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Responses: 7
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
LTC (Join to see) I do not have minor children but I have the same common sense view as this parent. As a Negro American, law abiding citizen, veteran, human being, I am the victim of a hate crime, that I am currently digging my heels into matter, along with a calvary of Caucasian, Negro, Professional, Legislative, and Grassroots supporters. I do not want astroturf, fake people, or just below the surface racists in my space and I am very upset and committed to riding this issue where it takes me. But, gosh darn, this is not something I would want K-12 being taught. There minds and experiences are open to indoctrinations from all sorts of age da holders, who have access to them out of sight of the parents. Not even, in college, should this concept be broached, be ause again the young, suceptible minds of teenagers venturing out from the nest can be twisted, thereby creating a person the parents do not recognize. Critical Race theory should be held in the advanced level of education where clearly defined lines to protect from situations getting out of hand are in place for such a volitile subject.
SPC Jesse Davis
SPC Jesse Davis
3 y
LTC (Join to see) -
It goes against conservative values, certainly.
Army values? No. Not the Army that broke segregation and integrated lgbt people a generation before society caught up. You guys fought this war already, and you're just going to lose again.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
3 y
SPC Jesse Davis - I am against it. I am married to a Native Canadian. Her uncle buried kids who died in residential school while he was a student at one of those locations. Does that mean that all White people are bloodthirsty Indian killers? The Schools had a lot of abuse but 95% of those kids came out alive. I did not start this stuff. My Wife is 100% Indian. She does not blame me for what 'whitey' did to her in high school or to her ancestors with Cultural Genocide. She may get $10-20k from the Canadian Government. She only cares to go after those who are still alive (The last residential school closed in 1995). This theory was perpetuated by others but not me. It is not being taught in Canada which was part of the English Territory as you know in 1619. The left keeps telling us we do not understand. Do not BS us, it is meant to divide and conquer. do not be an apologist for them. Just like Antifa stands for Anti- Fascist. They attack anyone that disagrees with them. That is what Hitler's SA did in the 1930s. The SA were the Brown Shirts and Antifa are actually Closet Fascists. So when you say I am a McCarthyite, I disagree. I allow others to express an opinion. Not like Antifa that does not. LTC Stephen F. SPC Nancy Greene PO3 Phyllis Maynard CPO William Glen (W.G.) Powell SPC Jesse Davis
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
3 y
SPC Jesse Davis - These slides are from JKO which covers all services. The military is supposed to be neutral. I am retiring soon. You and I did not start this crap. Idiots above you did. It is ironic that what Stacey Abrams says goes against Army values. There is no way around it.
SPC Jesse Davis
SPC Jesse Davis
3 y
LTC (Join to see) -
Right. We're mindful of all the identity you're throwing around while railing against identity politics and how learning about the history of our country is destroying history and how the existence of racism and any attempt to fix it is 'divisive'.
Your hysteria about this is literally just McCarthyism rebranded. You're not about free opinion, you're literally protesting against people learning.
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CPO William Glen (W.G.) Powell
Saw that clip. I don’t have children but found it interesting that while this mans main concern is his children he stood up for all children and parents alike in his admonishment of the school board.
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LTC Self Employed
SPC Nancy Greene
SPC Nancy Greene
3 y
LTC (Join to see) parents are really becoming vocal in regards to this issue! If I still had school age children, I would definitely home School them!
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