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Responses: 3
Lt Col Charlie Brown
He was the choice of the Roman troops who were disgusted by the prior emperors
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited 3 y ago
He had an interesting life. He was a horse trader as a young adult, but his family had enough wealth to bribe certain people to allow him into the service of the country. The very wealthy were on the A Team and their political careers were dictated by the wealth of the family. Vespasian was on the B Team. The B Team had to earn their passage into politics the hard way. They had to serve in the Roman Army and progressed only if they were good and competent military leaders. If they had those qualifications they were given access to politics.

Vespasian was a great military leader. He conducted a campaign in Europe and smashed any dissenting people. He was ruthless but rational as well. His reputation gave him the opportunity to govern Africa which was considered the greatest opportunity as a governor. Once again he smashed any dissenters. The Jews revolted and were subsequently holed up on a mountain strong hold. They were essentially defeated, but Vespasian wanted to finish the Jewish rebels for good.

His army built a huge ramp leading to the top of the mountain and used catapults to break down the walls. The Romans attacked but were repulsed. On the second attempt, he and his army breached the walls and slaughtered anyone that was alive. I believe most of the Jews had committed suicide before the attack because they were subject to being killed or sold into slavery.

Vespasian as the governor of Africa had the authority to raise taxes and enrich himself, but he was different. He was honest and his priority was to reinvest money into society. He never did get rich, but he had another thing going for him. His experienced and triumphant army trusted and loved him for his fighting acumen and leadership. They were loyal to him. He sent his army to Rome and seized power. He stayed in Africa for another year, then he took his rightful place as emperor.

I can't remember exactly the circumstances. I think the year he took control of Italy, he would be the fourth emperor. Vespasian was a breath of fresh air. He turned Rome around from the horrible conditions caused by the prior emperors. The years of his rule were golden years for Rome. He was honest and cared about the people, and started many building projects. His coup de grace was building the coliseum. He was a great Emperor for Rome as she flourished under his leadership.
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PVT Mark Zehner
Very interesting!
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