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Responses: 11
LTC Stephen C.
Canada’s first line of defense against foreign invasion is the military of the United States.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
3 y
LTC Stephen C. - Yes, I appreciate even criticism. Canadians only have a military of about 23k regular army, 3k DND Civilians, 19K reservists and 5300 Inuit Rangers for a total of 42K. That is small compared to us. they are 1/10 our population. which would be equal to 230K active duty, 190K reservists and 53K Arctic Militia. Not very big at all. LTC Stephen C. SSgt Joseph Baptist Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen SFC Michael Hasbun 1SG Steven Imerman 1SG Steven Imerman SSG Samuel Kermon MAJ Ken Landgren
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
3 y
SSG Samuel Kermon - Here is an article from Canada a few years ago. They probably have their radios now but this lazy attitude from Canada affects their reserve component. Remember, I live in Canada and I recall these articles. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/christie-blatchford-canadas-ragged-reserves-have-too-few-vehicles-little-ammo-and-now-no-radios LTC Stephen C. SSgt Joseph Baptist Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen SFC Michael Hasbun 1SG Steven Imerman SSG Samuel Kermon MAJ Ken Landgren
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
3 y
LTC (Join to see) - Do you realize that the Rangers replaced a .30 caliber, 10-round magazine, bolt action rifle, with a .30 caliber, 10-round magazine, bolt action rifle? The only real difference is that the old one was a .303, and the new one used the standardized 7.62 NATO (.308) round. That's the major difference.
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Once again I must mention that NATO members provide much that bean counters choose to ignore. Think free access, overfly rights and facilities, etc., etc.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
3 y
SSG Samuel Kermon Can't have equitable cost sharing if you only consider monetary contributions.
SSG Samuel Kermon
SSG Samuel Kermon
3 y
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen agreed, sir. Just one indice of several. Money is just the simplest way to compare equity.
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
3 y
Let's get down to basics
Would you rather a war be fought on American soil or on another nations soil and just how much is it worth to you for that to happen.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
3 y
SGT (Join to see) Yes, that too but the bean counters don't consider that either.
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SFC Michael Hasbun
OK? Just because the US views it's military as an all important money sink, that doesn't obligate every other country to feel the same.
SPC Field Artillery Tactical Data Systems Specialist
SPC (Join to see)
3 y
SFC Casey O'Mally There must be some good stories behind there. If it isn’t too forward, would you mind sharing what led you to give up awards, promotions and a job in protest? I can’t imagine that you would have done that lightly
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
3 y
SPC (Join to see) of course he hasn't. But this is the internet, so I'm sure he'll give you a marvelously masturbatory story about how he gave up rank or awards for some nebulous reason or another.
None of it will be remotely true though.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
3 y
SPC (Join to see) - I gave back a post-deployment award in protest for the award that my Soldiers received. I had one Soldier (SPC) that had created an intel product (BN Level S2 shop) that was briefed all the way up to theater Commander - AAM for deployment. The BDE Warrant who put his name on the product when it left the BDE S2 shop got a BSM, and that was the lead bullet on his 638. Literally every single SGT and below in the BN got a blanket AAM. I looked at the bullets on all my Soldiers' 638s and they were not the ones I had written, they were the exact same on all of them, with only the name changed.

I gave away my "rank" (Team leader) in Basic after a disagreement with my (student) PSG. It was promptly given back by my DS - with lots and lots of push-ups. I gave it away again as a PV2 in my first unit when I told my SL what I really thought of him and of his "leadership." My 1SG told me that what I did needed to be done, however I wasn't the right person to do it. I offered my rank on two other occasions, once even cutting it off my collar and handing it to my PL, however it was not accepted.

I gave away my position as a driver manager with Domino's and stepped down to being just a driver due to disagreements over how to actually manage employees. I told my GM that I could no longer handle the stress of being the only one to enforce the standards, especially when the GM himself was not willing to enforce them.

I gave away three different jobs in protest. WAY back when before I joined the Army, I worked at a franchised McDonald's. The owner distributed "anonymous" employee surveys. At the time I was the senior (non-management) crew member. Our store had a GM, a 1st assistant, second assistant, and then shift managers. The GM and 1st assistant routinely gossiped to me about each other, the shift managers, and sometimes crew members. I mentioned on my survey that this made me uncomfortable. Two days after I turned in my sealed survey, the GM and 1st assistant confronted me about it. They then proceeded to harass me consistently at work - never finding fault with my performance, just with me, as a person. After a couple weeks of this, when we were short-handed because of call-outs, and me working my ass off to cover the shortage, the 1st assistant, deciding to make a snide remark about how I didn't care about the store or about helping out. I told her she was absolutely right and clocked out. The following morning, I made an appointment with the ownership team. I went in and discussed things with them. When the ownership team backed the managers, I gave them their uniforms, and never looked back. I have completely different stories, but true ones regarding Domino's (a different one than the driver manager store - I worked at a lot of Domino's), and the USPS.

The one time I gave back a paycheck was because I left a position for personal reasons. Prior to my departure, I was not performing my job to expectations, and when I left I did so with no notice, and created a pretty major problem for the company through my departure. I refused to cash my final paycheck, because in my opinion, I had not actually earned it.
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
3 y
Yes, we have had too damn many unjust and undeclared wars. Iraq and Afghanistan put the nation debt higher by some 6.5 trillion. Reagan and Bush Sr. lied about the threat from the USSR and added $3 trillion to our national debt.

The real Watergate story, Nixon, and the North American mafia
I got started on this paper after hearing Lamar Waldron describe his new book, Watergate: The Hidden History Nixon, the mafia and the CIA. Based on my years of research, I decided to shorten his shocking book down to 24 pages. His is some 800 pages long. I have not read his book, but do I need to?

Send me an email at [login to see] and I will reply with this book for free

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We are in an ideological war on science. Over population is the biggest problem and we must ETHICALLY reduce it. Global warming is real.
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