Posted on Jun 17, 2021
History of Militias Then and Now: (A five part series): Militias: A Short History – Part One
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Interesting. A local group in the mid-nineteenth century was called the Texas Mounted Milita. My wife’s great-great grandfather who had emigrated from Germany in 1848 at the age of 24 was recruited to the Texas Mounted Militia in 1851 and served six months fighting Comanche warriors who were raiding area farms and communities. The militia came to be known as the Texas Rangers. We have a good friend who had been Commander of the Texas Rangers and spent 30 years in their service. He arranged for us to obtain a grave marker for her great-great granddad’s grave, and has volunteered to officiate at its installation. It’s called a Texas Ranger Cross and stands three feet tall and a foot wide and will be planted beside the marble headstone. Pictures show the cross and the retired Ranger (he and his wife came over for dinner one evening a few months ago, and he brought with him a 1911 pistol that’s been heavily engraved with his name and dates of service.
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