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Responses: 22
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel solid read and share my friend.
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SFC Randy Hellenbrand
I see some here would rather forget or sweep it under the carpet. Truth is what counts!!! Those of you who want to hide it, well the rest of us see you for what you are.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
Those who want to hide it? Nothing further from the truth. The idea America was profoundly racist and bent on slavery is a lie and distortion of American history. There was always anti slavery sentiment in America. I point out repeatedly that after America became a nation there were continuous political battles to limit slavery. Slavery was outlawed in the North West territories. Etc. The whole 1619 project is BS. The first legally recognized chattel slave owner in the British colonies was a black man who himself had been a slave. The first slave rebellion in the American British colonies involved both white and black slaves. Is any of this taught? There is a college professor who is shocked because many of his students believe America started slavery. Very few Know Native Americans practiced slavery. https://illinoisreview.typepad.com/illinoisreview/2016/11/professor-finds-that-most-college-students-think-america-invented-slavery.html
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CPL LaForest Gray
CRT = Critical Race Facts *{Aint no damn theory, GTFOH} :

These are #AMERIKKKA / #USA Deadliest Massacres/Mass Shooting/Acts of Terrorism by White Racist Domestic Terrorist in America Documented History :

Remember these FACTS :

East St. Louis Massacre - 1917
200 - 700 Deaths

Arkansas Massacre - 1919
854 - Deaths

Ocoee Massacre - 1920

Most estimates total 30–35 Blacks killed, although as many as 50 African Americans may have been killed during the massacre. Most African-American-owned buildings and residences in northern Ocoee were burned to the ground.
Deaths: 30–35 Blacks, 2 Whites
Location: Ocoee, Florida
Date: November 2–3, 1920

Tulsa Massacre - 1921
300 - 3000 Deaths

Rosewood Massacre - 1923
150 - Deaths

*If you didn’t know these Massacres were against “Black/African-Americans

*** Disclaimer : This a repost from myself, because people are tooooo comfortable with the status quo. ***
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