Posted on Jun 12, 2021
Asking Vaccinated People Why They’re Still Wearing A Mask Outside
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 13
I read in a medical publication somewhere researchers discovered that if you can make someone do something for more than 30 days, they become conditioned to the action. After that, it's almost impossible to convince them it isn't necessary even when you show them evidence of why they don't need to do it any more.
Sgt Jim Belanus
kind of like boot camp. how many run their belt from left to right, or pocket book in left pocket, or can still march in step and do all the commands
SSG Bill McCoy
"Pavlov's bell." People really are becoming sheep, or acting like sheep. I RARELY wore a mask - NEVER outside, and only indoors where stores required it and then, only to appease the wife. Since I've been vacinated, I simply do NOT wear a mask anymore, anywhere, anytime.
Cpl (Join to see)
I'm right there with you SSG Bill McCoy! Edit, but I refuse to get the mRNA jab while it's only authorized under an EUA. I'll wait until it's FDA approved and the general public guinea pigs have finished testing it for big pharma.
Sgt Jim Belanus
SSG Bill McCoy - I'm in the same boat, only wore it when ordered to, spent a little time in Walmart at the peak of covid in this area and a number of people not wearing mask. What a joke this mask thing was
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