Posted on Jun 8, 2021
California’s “Assault Weapon” Ban Ruled Unconstitutional: What Does Miller really mean for gun...
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 3
What I don't get is how the movie industry prop places are able to circumvent current gun laws. Seems all one needs to do is get whatever license these business operate under and go about acquiring fully automatic "props".
Possession of automatic firearms, and of short-barreled shotguns and rifles, is prohibited without a Dangerous Weapons Permit, that is received from the California Department of Justice pending a good reason for their possession such as: manufacture, repair, collecting in limited cases (pre-1990), "movie prop guns" or dealing to police/military.
As well I find it rather hypocritical that you need proof of citizenship to own a gun in California yet its racist if you ask the same for voters. Seems California is trying to suppress minority gun ownership
Possession of automatic firearms, and of short-barreled shotguns and rifles, is prohibited without a Dangerous Weapons Permit, that is received from the California Department of Justice pending a good reason for their possession such as: manufacture, repair, collecting in limited cases (pre-1990), "movie prop guns" or dealing to police/military.
As well I find it rather hypocritical that you need proof of citizenship to own a gun in California yet its racist if you ask the same for voters. Seems California is trying to suppress minority gun ownership

Arsenal, Weapons Of All Calibers - HPR - The Hand Prop Room
Welcome to the HPR Arsenal. We carry hundreds of different weapons, fully automatic, semi automatic, percussion cap, flintlock and much more
Lt Col Mark Avery
I think it's fairly easy to understand this discrepancy. The leadership in California benefit from the divergent policies. Asking for proof of citizenship to vote would hurt those in power, or at least so they believe (and continue to support by their policies). Restricting the ability of Hollywood prop rooms to get all the automatic weapons they want to make movies worth billions in revenue for the State coffers, funds which also help pay for the policies buying the votes of those who would be blocked by requirements for voter ID.
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