Posted on Jun 7, 2021
Newsday - Canada's indigenous school abuse: who's accountable? - BBC Sounds
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 3
Riddle me this - why make the current Pope apologize for what Christianity did in the past, and not hold Islam responsible for all the terrorist attacks done in its name? Hypocrites much?
SSG Robert Perrotto
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - you have a tool to utilize - its called block - this IS a public forum were members are free to interact with other members when they post. And I am running out of patience with your ad hominem attacks.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
SSG Robert Perrotto - These crimes were not only within my lifetime they continued into the lifetimes of my children. The Movement agencies involved have long ago apologized. Are the 1990s ancient history to you?
SSG Robert Perrotto
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Is 2001 ancient history? Where is the apology demand from the Saudi Arabian royals for the Hijackers being mostly from Saudi Arabia? Where is the apology from prominent Imam's for ISIS? The Taliban? AL Queda? Or Boku Haram and the countless other Islamic groups that continue to murder innocents every day throughout the world? It has become so commonplace that it's become ingrained into our societies. That society as a whole has become numb to the atrocities of those that follow that ideology. The Canadian Government knew something was not right, long before the 1990's, yet continued to send native children to these schools, subsidize them, and then turned a blind eye. Where was the oversight? I get called a bigot for pointing out the hypocrisy of demanding an apology from the pope, when there is a better then 75% chance if I google recent Islamic terror attack that one happened in the last 24 hours. I hold great disdain for all the followers of Abraham, but I am not a hypocrite - if you hold the pope accountable for this, then fingers and accountability, should be pointed at everyone, and definitely at the ideology that is Islam.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
SSG Robert Perrotto - The 911 Hijacker were not employed by the Saudi Government, nor were they operating under that govement name, And none of the groups you are ranting about hare heads of Islam or any significant part of it.
Is is not a case of a Christian or a Catholic committing a major crime against humanity but of the Church itself doing so, and doing so for pay,
All the major villains in this have apologized except for the Catholic Church.
Is is not a case of a Christian or a Catholic committing a major crime against humanity but of the Church itself doing so, and doing so for pay,
All the major villains in this have apologized except for the Catholic Church.
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