Posted on Jun 7, 2021
Navy Quietly Rolls Out First Maternity Flight Suits
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 4
Good and bad. 1.) Good for those that can still fly up to a certain point. 2,) Bad for those that can't fly past a certain point. Flight suits are just that, Flight suits...they are by reg only supposed to be worn when performing flight related duties. If you are not flying you are supposed to either be in ABU's (utilities) or Blues in the Air Force...we have allowed, over the years, flyers to wear their Flight Suits whenever and wherever they want to without being checked.
AFI 36-2903 - A6.2.1. The FDU/DFDU is authorized for wear for ground and flight duties by individuals
who perform flying, parachutist, space, and missile crew duties: flight duty includes
preparation, preflight, in-flight, post-flight, and other flight related duties associated with
aircraft operations.
AFI 36-2903 - A6.2.1. The FDU/DFDU is authorized for wear for ground and flight duties by individuals
who perform flying, parachutist, space, and missile crew duties: flight duty includes
preparation, preflight, in-flight, post-flight, and other flight related duties associated with
aircraft operations.
Before my time military women wore civilian clothes during pregnancies because the services didn't have maternity uniforms. When I served the maternity BDU was available. Prior to this women wore the maternity dress uniform. There was some friendly banter about "how can you have a maternity battle dress uniform?" It was easier to keep clean then the maternity dress uniform. If medical clears them to fly then having the maternity flight uniform should be a good thing.
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