Posted on Jun 5, 2021
California sheriff warns officers not to join far-right extremist groups, records reveal
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 3
I take it much the same as you. YEARS ago, Pelosi declared something like the Oath Keepers were "the most dangerous militia in the U.S.," and it's NOT a militia. It's current and former military, deputies/police who simply swore to,, "uphold the Constitution," and NOT comply with mandates like we saw in New Orleans after Katrina where Nat'l Guard troops entered homes and forced residents to surrenter their guns, leaving them defenseless.
From Oath Keepers' website:
Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” That oath, mandated by Article VI of the Constitution itself, is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and Oath Keepers declare that they will not obey unconstitutional orders, such as orders to disarm the American people, to conduct warrantless searches, or to detain Americans as “enemy combatants” in violation of their ancient right to jury trial. See the Oath Keepers Declaration of Orders We Will Not Obey for details.
From Oath Keepers' website:
Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” That oath, mandated by Article VI of the Constitution itself, is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and Oath Keepers declare that they will not obey unconstitutional orders, such as orders to disarm the American people, to conduct warrantless searches, or to detain Americans as “enemy combatants” in violation of their ancient right to jury trial. See the Oath Keepers Declaration of Orders We Will Not Obey for details.
Guess I'm confused brother Rick. You can be too far right but, no mention of too far left. I guess that's fine.
LTC Eugene Chu
Read the article, not just the byline..."The 66-page PowerPoint presentation for staff also included a lengthy section on “the extreme left”, warning officers about “Karl Marx’s influence”; the history of the Black Panther party; anti-fascist groups’ vandalism and “improvised weapons”; and animal rights and anti-war protesters."
SGT Charlie Lee copied and pasted it below as well
SGT Charlie Lee copied and pasted it below as well
SSG Bill McCoy
LTC Eugene Chu - Coloonel, you are correct but I think we all know that the bylines and headlines are what most people take as an articles "meat & potatoes," with too many not reading beyond that. A legitimate title/headline would have cited not joining, "Either Far Right, OR Far Left Extremist Groups."
SSG Michael Noll
Thank you brothers, I was at lunch and no time to read 66 pages of anything. Thank you all.
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