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Responses: 9
SSG Edward Tilton
Call it whatever you want, thousands of people who are not fit to be are killing innocent men, women and CHILDREN
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
>1 y
Sounds more of a societal problem as you have so eloquently pointed out - bad people killing innocent people. As you never mentioned how the killing is carried out I beg to argue the means is irrelevant. Be it by guns, blunt object or by hand the act of violence in killing another innocent individual is the real problem.
CW3 Harvey K.
CW3 Harvey K.
>1 y
Unfortunately, people who are "not fit" mentally and emotionally are killing the innocent. As noted by SPC David Stephenson, the means of murder is irrelevant. Besides such weaponry as improvised explosives, sarin, flammable liquids, etc. we have such commonplace "weapons" in our society as motor vehicles.
The truck attack in Nice, France killed over 80 people and injured over 400 in a space of 5 minutes. It is enough to make one hope that homicidal maniacs will continue to choose guns as their weapon, and keep the body-count minimal.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
>1 y
This has been a problem within society for a long time - I doubt anyone ever claimed this lunatic used an assault weapon when he blew up a school filled with children back in 1927.

CW3 Harvey K.
CW3 Harvey K.
>1 y
SPC David S. - A time long before the NFA of 1934, when "machine guns" were available without a $200 registration fee (~$3,800 in today's inflated currency). The only firearm used was a rifle Kehoe used to detonate the explosives in his car, killing himself and several others nearby.
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Cpl Benjamin Long
None of it really matters since the effort to execute their plan exceeds the capacity of their agency... Enacting a control law would tie them in an entanglement that would burn them to ashes before any meaningful progress in their action.
SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
U mean daze bitin' off moran dey kin chu.
Cpl Benjamin Long
Cpl Benjamin Long
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) Essentially... It reminds me of the chicken hawk attacking fog horn leg horns ankles...
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SrA John Monette
i imagine the nra is perfectly fine with me owning an M-60 or an Abrams tank.
Cpl Benjamin Long
Cpl Benjamin Long
>1 y
SrA John Monette 1... My house doesn't have a basement... 2. My mother has been dead for years... So tell me more about whose basement I live in?
Cpl Benjamin Long
Cpl Benjamin Long
>1 y
SrA John Monette and the very fact you have to shift the conversation to abusive insults reflects back to your immaturity... A sixty years old man that thinks he can back is twaddle with basic abuse.
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) I think the reference may have been the M60A4 tank which was the last one before the M1
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
SrA John Monette I don't see a problem. An AXMC is my dream rifle but there is nowhere here to safely shoot it though I could settle for the AS50 but then again a safe place to shoot raises its ugly head again.
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