Posted on Jun 2, 2021
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 6
This administration is all about tax & spend, which is already having detrimental effects on the population...pushings further down a slippery slope, IMHO...
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - So am I and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts does a great job taxing everything and many of the cities and Towns have done far too good a job following the states example of sticking their sticky hands in our pockets. I'm waiting for them to start taxing the air We breath !
Ma'am, I respectfully disagree with the entire second paragraph. The idea of "Build Back Better" is a smokescreen the Democrats are using to hide the real agenda of a 'Breaking America Disaster' (BAD) event. Jobs did not rise as they predicted, the bounce-back is being hampered by the continuation of government mandates, and the continuing extra benefits to unemployed persons are all driving the economy down. All in all a BAD thing, in my opinion.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
The author doesn't agree with the policy. He's stating what they (Democrats) are saying
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