Posted on Jun 1, 2021
Taiwan's foreign minister says China is 'preparing for war.' Here's Taiwan's response plan
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 9
Thing is Taiwan was never a breakaway province, it was the legitimate Government of China whose leaders fled the to the then Formosa after the Communist seized power by overthrowing the Legitimate Nationalist Government. The criminal Communist then controlled the Chinese mainland and they aren't done making victims of others and there is no level too low for them to sink to.
PO1 Todd B.
LTC (Join to see) - IF we ever had to do it, it would be using either stealth or special forces or both as a contingency.
PO1 Todd B.
SrA John Monette - That's why I said stealth, it would probably be a combination of all of them plus some most people don't even know about.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Very true and not only that area but moving towards and including India who also sees Communist China as a threat.
LTC (Join to see)
That is why you have US Marines in Australia as a tripwire.
LTC Eugene Chu SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SrA John Monette SPC Michael Terrell Cpl Mark A. Morris SSG John Oliver SGT David Groth
LTC Eugene Chu SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SrA John Monette SPC Michael Terrell Cpl Mark A. Morris SSG John Oliver SGT David Groth

There Are Now 2,500 US Marines in Australia After Years of Buildup
The first Marines arrived in Darwin, Australia in 2012.
SrA John Monette
LTC (Join to see) - would they be able to hold the line until reinforcements are in position?
A small nuclear war will cause climate change and global cooling for 20 years which will cause famine, ruined crops and cause the leftist portion aka the Odd Squad to go be committed to an insane asylum because climate change mitigation will no longer be necessary and the Green New Deal will be in the Dustbin of History.
LTC Eugene Chu SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Sgt (Join to see) SrA John Monette SrA John Monette SPC Michael Terrell Cpl Mark A. Morris Cpl Mark A. Morris SGT David Groth
LTC Eugene Chu SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Sgt (Join to see) SrA John Monette SrA John Monette SPC Michael Terrell Cpl Mark A. Morris Cpl Mark A. Morris SGT David Groth
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