Posted on May 30, 2021
Air Force Hopes To Retire 201 Planes; Space Force Ask Up $2.2B
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 7
Sometimes I wonder who's side the Air Force leadership is on. Let's see; get rid of some more of those pesky A-10's, only the ground forces love them anyway; aah yes, Let's get rid of some of those old, but very useful KC-135's and KC-10's. We can replace them with an ultra expensive KC-46, which still can't do the refueling missions it was made for; and while we're at it, let's divest ourselves of some older F-15's and F-16's to make way for the F-35, an aircraft that is way to expensive to operate. Yep makes perfect sense!
I think the last line says it clearly: "...shattered by parochial concerns." Many of those planes tge Air Force wants to mothball work their missions well but the brass takes to much direction from defense industry lobbyists. These generals are looking to score a post military gig and most of us know this is part of the problem, but only a part. Those same lobbyists are spending millions persuading congress that the latest greatest plane or system is what America needs. My view is America NEEDS to get rid of lobbyists. Especially from those companies that produce systems that have Chinese made parts as components of those systems.
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