Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 3
I live 5 min. from the border and haven't been there for well over a year. Only essencial travel is allowed and according to Canadian news, only 2 guests allowed per household at a time. Seems they are in their 3 wave and the gov has taken a very dicitorial stances.
Sir, if one knows the terrain, with a 3/4 or full moon the border with Canada can be crossed in northern Idaho. But one better have good knees and be healthy.
Now for my rant.
I agree our civilization is being destroyed. But what I see, read and hear is child's play compared to what I think is instore for the US and the world.
The political and economic agenda appears to be moving into position like we did before Operation Desert Storm. Except, the placement of social agenda and economic function is not to destroy life, except the unborn, but to control life. Going out on a limb, I think we are headed for a global crisis on purpose. One Biden and those onboard the current Executive Branch agenda is not fully aware of.
See the destruction of Libya as a small example. Notice central Africa was destroyed economically due to Libya's physical destruction. That includes the increase in slavery and the overrun of Europe with military aged warriors for Allah. The Arab Spring Holiday of Blood can be included in my example as it occurred about the same time.
Now for my rant.
I agree our civilization is being destroyed. But what I see, read and hear is child's play compared to what I think is instore for the US and the world.
The political and economic agenda appears to be moving into position like we did before Operation Desert Storm. Except, the placement of social agenda and economic function is not to destroy life, except the unborn, but to control life. Going out on a limb, I think we are headed for a global crisis on purpose. One Biden and those onboard the current Executive Branch agenda is not fully aware of.
See the destruction of Libya as a small example. Notice central Africa was destroyed economically due to Libya's physical destruction. That includes the increase in slavery and the overrun of Europe with military aged warriors for Allah. The Arab Spring Holiday of Blood can be included in my example as it occurred about the same time.
Your full of BS Durish. Your rant has so many holes in it I could drive my 113 thru it. So go stick your wanna be dictator where the sun don't shine!! I will never surrender to anyone who supports that monster.
CPT Jack Durish
Very compelling, but I haven't a clue as to whom or what your speaking of. Care to explain?
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