Posted on May 26, 2021
Tucker Carlson blasts big tech for 'propaganda' on transgender youth
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 5
Yesterday I read where two physicians allowed their infant to receive COVID-19 in a trial. The comments were how bad these parents were yet you can switch over to another thread and see how people support young children transitioning. It is scary what people believe is good v. bad parenting.
And the suicide rate for these folks whether or not they "transition" is very high. They need counseling assistance, not surgical intervention with very few exceptions.
WHO MADE YOU GOD BROWNIE??? Leave people be. Oh wait, your a trumpkin and think god speaks thru you. LOL!
LTC David Brown
Leave people be? At least I am not castrating or mutilating people with minimal counseling and no true evaluation of their problems as was discussed in the 60 Minutes episode. I really don’t believe God speaks through me but I do understand surgery that is considered permanent and disfiguring should not be entered into lightly.
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