Posted on May 18, 2021
Army Brigade Commander Fired After Personal Misconduct Investigation
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 3
CW3 Dick McManus
NIST lied and no one was fired.
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
Named people collected samples of the dust in New York City nearby the wreckage from the World Trade Center buildings. They did this on 9/11, therefore the red/gray microscopic chips of nano-thermite (“super-thermite”) in those dust samples were not the result of steel workers using steel cutting devices. Of the four samples, one was collected by a Manhattan resident about ten minutes after the collapse of the second WTC towers, two were obtained the next day, and a fourth about a week later. The iron oxide and aluminum are intimately mixed in the red material in the chips. Testing of these nano-thermite chips was found when they ignited they producing heat the same way thermite or thermate chemically produced temperature of some 5,000 degree F. In addition nano-thermaite was found to be highly energetic (aka cause a explosion or reaction similar to rocket fuel. Scientist observes that the total energy released from some of the red chips exceeds the theoretical limit for thermite alone. In other words, the heat/temperature was greater than those temperatures produced by igniting thermite or thermate.
Also on testing it was found as a result of this chemical reaction, microscopic iron rich spheres were a result after ignition. Also found in inches of dust on the ground around the World Trade Center buildings was found a greater than normal number of microscopic iron rich spheres. In other words, the proportion of iron microspheres spheres was six percent of the other dust particles (glass and concrete fragments).
In order to make all these microscopic spheres made up of mostly iron, they had to have been melted at some 4,500 degree F. You may have seen an acetylene torch cutting thru a piece of steel and the orange colored sparks as it is cut. I bet those orange sparks are orange hot bits of steel. I bet that is why welders wear leather gloves.
When nano-thermite burns it produces ONLY white smoke which is aluminum oxide smoke.
The piles of wreckage were covered with sand from pulverized concrete resulting in an oxygen starved hydrocarbon fire. The smoke seen coming off the wreckage should have been gray or black if it was only made from burning and smoldering hydrocarbon fires within the wreckage. But the smoke clouds were only white. By looking at video tapes of the WTC wreckage being removed, you will see white smoke coming off the last remaining wreckage months after the removal started and see the fire fighters still pouring water on the wreckage.
Nano-thermite burns even under water. The New York Fire fighters poured water on the WTC wreckage for weeks and weeks.
You can see video tapes of large steel sections of the outer box columns walling to the ground with white smoke trailing behind them. That is impossible because steel does not burn. So was some of the nano-thermite still burning after cutting the steel and making it fall down? Yes, it sure was a trailing smoke made up of aluminum oxide.
On September 16, 2001, a section the top of the WTC7’s wreckage pile had a temperature was 1,341 degree F. This was recorded by infrared photographs taken from an airplane. To be that hot on the steel on the top of the wreckage pile, it had to be much hotter inside the wreckage pile.
Some beams pulled from the wreckage are still red hot more than seven weeks after the attack. We can know how hot steel is by the color. A steel beam that is very hot and has a reddish color it is between 750 to 1,000 degrees F. The color tells us its temperature. It is suspected that temperature beneath the debris pile was in excess of 1,000°F.
photos of yellow hot steel
Dr. Keith Eaton toured Ground Zero and stated in The Structural Engineer, ‘They showed us many fascinating slides’ [Eaton] continued, ‘ranging from molten metal which was still red hot weeks after the event, to 4-inch thick steel plates sheared and bent in the disaster’. (Structural Engineer, September 3, 2002, p. 6; emphasis added.)
For six months after Sept. 11, the ground temperature varied between 600 degrees Fahrenheit and 1,500 degrees, sometimes higher. “In the first few weeks, sometimes when a worker would pull a steel beam from the wreckage, the end of the beam would be dripping molten steel,” Fuchek said. (Walsh, 2002)
Joe "Toolie" O'Toole, a Bronx firefighter who worked for many months on the rescue and clean-up efforts, he said, '"Underground fires raged for months.” He remembers in February 2002 seeing a crane lift a steel beam vertically from deep within pile. "It was dripping from the molten steel." (Source: Messenger-Inquirer newspaper)
Greg Fuchek, vice president of sales for Links Point, Inc., described the working conditions were hellish, partly because for six months, the ground temperature varied between 600 degrees F° and 1,500 degrees F° or higher.
The names of 17 witnesses who reported seeing molten steel in the World Trade Center wreckage and what they said about it. See: Witnesses of Molten Metal at Ground Zero (
The only way to melt steel is in a furnace in a steel factory because to get iron to melt it takes some 2,750 degrees F.
Prof. Thomas Eagar explained in 2001 that the WTC fires would NOT melt steel. A fireplace is a diffuse flame burning in air, as was the WTC fire. Diffuse flames generate the lowest heat intensities of the three flame types... The maximum flame temperature increase for burning hydrocarbons (jet fuel) in air is, thus, about 1000 °C/ (1832 degrees F.) It is known that the WTC fire was a fuel-rich, diffuse flame as evidenced by the copious black smoke. Even if a steel column lost 50% of its strength that is still insufficient, by itself, to explain the WTC collapse. This was due to the risk from hurricanes. The WTC, on this low-wind day, was likely not stressed more than a third of the design allowable. Even with its strength halved, the steel could still support two to three times the stresses imposed by a 650 °C (1202 degrees F.) fire." (Eagar and Musso, 2001; emphasis added.)
Were Explosives the Source of the Seismic Signals Emitted from New York on September 11, 2001?
We demonstrate that only strong explosives could be the cause of such seismic waves, in accordance with the observed low frequencies. According to the presence of shear waves or the presence of Rayleigh waves only, we hypothesize a subterranean or a subaerial explosion (not at ground level or in the air). The magnitude of an aerial explosion is insufficient to provide seismic waves at 34 km from the WTC such that they were recorded at Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory seismic monitoring at Palisades, NJ. Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory is Columbia University's Earth sciences research center and is a core component of the Earth Institute, a collection of academic and research units within the university that together address complex environmental issues facing the planet.
Seismic monitoring utilizes sensitive seismographs to record the ground motion from seismic waves created by earthquakes or other sources. Seismograms from seismic monitoring stations can be used to determine the location, origin time, and magnitude (as well as other characteristics) of earthquakes.
LDEO had reported that the seismic signal began at 9:59:04 a.m. Since NIST wished to claim that the seismic signal was caused by debris hitting the earth it found itself in trouble. If the seismic signal that began at 9:59:04 was caused by debris striking the ground this left only five seconds for the debris to make it to the ground—utterly impossible without a violation of the laws of physics.
Since the distance between the two points is 34 kilometers, they gave 17 seconds as the time it would take the seismic waves to make their journey. It was on this basis that the time of 9:59:04 a.m. EDT was initially established as the origin time for the South Tower’s seismic signal. The arrival time of the seismic waves was, therefore, 9:59:21 a.m. EDT.
It was extremely unusual for a steel-framed skyscraper to undergo this kind of total collapse, whether from fire or from other possible causes. Secondly, it was peculiarly and suspect for first responders doing search and rescue work after the Twin Towers collapsed to have been warned in advance that WTC7 is going to collapse. Furthermore, we do not have the name or names of the engineers who allegedly told the owner of the WTC buildings, Larry Silverstein that WTC was in danger of collapsing. Additionally, on video tape Silverstein said he told a NY city fire chief something to the affect/effect, it would be better not to risk anyone’s life and so just “pull it.” Pull it is a slang word used by people who do controlled demolition, meaning using explosive to collapse a building. Silverstein had insured the buildings for $3.55 billion per occurrence. Silverstein settled for $4.55 billion.
Guidelines operative in at least some of the World Trade Center Task Force Interviews. When Firefighter Michael Morabito attempted to talk about the collapse of (WTC) Seven in his interview he was interrupted by his interviewer with the words, "They don't really want to know about 7." There are fire fighters who said that their interviewers terminated the interview abruptly once the collapses of the Twin Towers had been dealt with. Building Seven appears as an afterthought in finding out what fire fighters were doing.
Serious health consequences are known to occur when breathing benzene at 100 ppb, and it is known to cause diseases such as leukemia (HHS 2007). Note that, for the first few weeks after 9/11, the levels of benzene detected at GZ were relatively low, although perhaps higher than historical levels from structure fires. But the maximum value detected in November 2001 was 180,000 ppb, and the average daily detection for October and November 2001 was 18,000 ppb. The five peaks in benzene detection occurred on 5th October, 11th October, 3rd November, 8th November, and 16th November.
The spikes in detected levels of styrene are more prominent. Styrene is normally seen as a product of the combustion of plastics, notably polystyrene. Interestingly, the dates of the five highest levels of styrene detection occurred on the same dates as those of highest detection of benzene.
EPA’s Erik Swartz stated that 1,3-diphenylpropane (1,3-DPP) was present at levels “that dwarfed all others.” Swartz went on to say—“We’ve never observed it in any sampling we’ve ever done” (Garrett 2003). An EPA publication on the findings stated: This species has not previously been reported from ambient sampling. It has been associated with polyvinyl chloride materials, which are believed to be in abundance at the WTC site. These emissions lasted for over three weeks (9/26/01- 10/20/01) after the initial destruction of the WTC. (EPA 2006) The fact that this species had never been found before is a startling fact, considering that EPA has monitored extreme structure fires before, including those in which polyvinyl chloride (PVC) materials were present. EPA’s history with structure fire monitoring indicates that, to have never seen an organic compound like 1,3-DPP is very unusual, especially when it was found at such high levels. But 1,3-DPP was not only at high levels, it was also reported to have been “pervasive” (American Scientist 2003).
See the two steel beams thinned or corroded due to high temperatures approaching 1,800 degree F. and oxidation and sulfidation.
Airborne emissions (aka squibs)made from debris appeared to come from inside the and blew approximately 50 to 100 feet out from the side of the building in a fraction of a second. From video tape of this, it was calculated that one of the first bursts was fully ejected in approximately 0.45 seconds. This gives an average burst velocity of approximately 170 feet per second (fps) /116 mph//. Others have estimated the velocity of these ejections at over 1100 fps (750 mph). Have you ever seen a 90 mph fastball?
The demolition hypothesis, in contrast, seems to explain these high velocity bursts of debris. Research has shown that, for an experimental structure made of concrete and steel, debris launch velocities created by explosive charges are on the order of 164 fps This corresponds well with the earlier estimate made from video evidence of the disintegrating towers (170 fps on average).
Finally, can the hypothesis that compressed air explains how crushed concrete, or other debris, could have been created at levels twenty to thirty floors below a clouds of smoke, the “collapse” front that was already moving downward at nearly free-fall speed?
How could the WTC Twin Towers collapse in only 11 seconds (WTC 1) and 9 seconds (WTC 2)—speeds that approximate that of a ball dropped from similar height in a vacuum (with no air resistance)? Didn’t crushing all the concrete floor into dust slow down the collapse?
There are several other individuals who claimed to have heard explosions right before and during the time Building 7 collapsed, including first responders Kevin McPadden (was formerly a medic in the Air Force before 9/11, and he was there with a first responding medical and rescue people) and Craig Bartmer (former NYPD police officer on duty on 9/11).
Below are url/ links to wherein McPadden said he was told by Red Cross guy that "they are thinking about bringing a building down." Next within minutes this person who said this, came back after speaking to some fire fighters and had his hand over the radio. McPadden said next he heard a count down with the words three, two, one. After this person said "run for your lives." Next after two or three seconds, McPadden heard explosions so big, "like the ground rumbled and" (made him think he may) or "a person would maybe think he needed to grab onto something." ..."That was building seven that fell down." [login to see] 89268463&mid=E1EC59A497F014D0D628E1EC59A497F014D0D628&view=detail&FORM=VIRE
McPadden said he was at a staging area just north of WTC7. He said before he heard the count down on the radio, he saw the fire fighters acting unusual, running around, and picking up their equipment. McPadden said the Red Cross guy with the radio had a worried look on his face prior to the count down. McPadden traveled to ground zero completely of his own accord and spent the next four days searching through the rubble and nearby buildings for survivors.”
In the url/link to a video first responder, Indira Singh can be heard telling a report from KPFA on Aril 27, 2005, that she heard someone from the fire department said, “we are going to have to bring it down.” After the report asked her, “Did they actually use the words “brought down”?
The BBC broadcast that WTC7 had collapsed, but this was 20 minutes prior to it actually collapsing. Ok, mistakes happen based on mis-information, however 20 minutes is getting too close to the truth given no steel 47 stories tall building has ever been expected to do such a thing only due to fires.
NIST in its report said engineer determined WTC7 was unstable. He said he heard creaking. But NIST did such a poor investigation they failed to report his engineer’s name. Yet, due to him the fire chiefs refused to send their fire fighters into the building to put out the fire. There was some talk about not having any water in the fire hydrants, but the river was only feet away.
The collapse of 7 WTC at 17:20:33 EDT was recorded
Dr. Graeme MacQueen read thru the 10,000 pages of oral histories of the New York fire fighters and he found 60 fire fighters reporting some awareness that WTC7 was about to collapse prior to it actually doing so. On reading these histories/ after action reports, slightly over 30 fire fighters were told WTC7 was definitely coming down. Those who said this had been told four hours, two hours, one hour, or 30 minutes before it came down. The other some 29 fire fighters said there was some question the building may fall down.
One hour prior to WTC7 collapsing CNN keeps views focused on the pending collapse. At five minutes prior to it collapsing CNN say WTC7 on fire “posed” to collapse, and about two minutes prior to the collapse, CNN reports WTC7 “on verge” of collapse. The NIST report did not say one word regarding all this prior warnings to first responders to stay the hell away because it was certain it was coming down.
After WTC7 collapsed a NY fire fighter lieutenant said “we heard that the building was unstable, and it would be coming down, or it would be taken down.”
When Barry Jennings was repeatedly asked if the stairway explosion happened on about the six floor of WTC7, he said yes. And he and Mr. Hess were trapped inside the building after having managing to get up to the eight floor. There was lots of smoke and they assumed to whole stairway was no longer a method of getting out of the building. After about an hour and a half fire fighters came to their rescue.
NIST said in its report that Barry Jennings did not perceive an explosion. Jennings said he witnessed the stairway he was standing on collapse at about 9:30 am. NIST said Jennings was wrong and debris had hit the south face of WTC7 at 10:30 am.
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
Named people collected samples of the dust in New York City nearby the wreckage from the World Trade Center buildings. They did this on 9/11, therefore the red/gray microscopic chips of nano-thermite (“super-thermite”) in those dust samples were not the result of steel workers using steel cutting devices. Of the four samples, one was collected by a Manhattan resident about ten minutes after the collapse of the second WTC towers, two were obtained the next day, and a fourth about a week later. The iron oxide and aluminum are intimately mixed in the red material in the chips. Testing of these nano-thermite chips was found when they ignited they producing heat the same way thermite or thermate chemically produced temperature of some 5,000 degree F. In addition nano-thermaite was found to be highly energetic (aka cause a explosion or reaction similar to rocket fuel. Scientist observes that the total energy released from some of the red chips exceeds the theoretical limit for thermite alone. In other words, the heat/temperature was greater than those temperatures produced by igniting thermite or thermate.
Also on testing it was found as a result of this chemical reaction, microscopic iron rich spheres were a result after ignition. Also found in inches of dust on the ground around the World Trade Center buildings was found a greater than normal number of microscopic iron rich spheres. In other words, the proportion of iron microspheres spheres was six percent of the other dust particles (glass and concrete fragments).
In order to make all these microscopic spheres made up of mostly iron, they had to have been melted at some 4,500 degree F. You may have seen an acetylene torch cutting thru a piece of steel and the orange colored sparks as it is cut. I bet those orange sparks are orange hot bits of steel. I bet that is why welders wear leather gloves.
When nano-thermite burns it produces ONLY white smoke which is aluminum oxide smoke.
The piles of wreckage were covered with sand from pulverized concrete resulting in an oxygen starved hydrocarbon fire. The smoke seen coming off the wreckage should have been gray or black if it was only made from burning and smoldering hydrocarbon fires within the wreckage. But the smoke clouds were only white. By looking at video tapes of the WTC wreckage being removed, you will see white smoke coming off the last remaining wreckage months after the removal started and see the fire fighters still pouring water on the wreckage.
Nano-thermite burns even under water. The New York Fire fighters poured water on the WTC wreckage for weeks and weeks.
You can see video tapes of large steel sections of the outer box columns walling to the ground with white smoke trailing behind them. That is impossible because steel does not burn. So was some of the nano-thermite still burning after cutting the steel and making it fall down? Yes, it sure was a trailing smoke made up of aluminum oxide.
On September 16, 2001, a section the top of the WTC7’s wreckage pile had a temperature was 1,341 degree F. This was recorded by infrared photographs taken from an airplane. To be that hot on the steel on the top of the wreckage pile, it had to be much hotter inside the wreckage pile.
Some beams pulled from the wreckage are still red hot more than seven weeks after the attack. We can know how hot steel is by the color. A steel beam that is very hot and has a reddish color it is between 750 to 1,000 degrees F. The color tells us its temperature. It is suspected that temperature beneath the debris pile was in excess of 1,000°F.
photos of yellow hot steel
Dr. Keith Eaton toured Ground Zero and stated in The Structural Engineer, ‘They showed us many fascinating slides’ [Eaton] continued, ‘ranging from molten metal which was still red hot weeks after the event, to 4-inch thick steel plates sheared and bent in the disaster’. (Structural Engineer, September 3, 2002, p. 6; emphasis added.)
For six months after Sept. 11, the ground temperature varied between 600 degrees Fahrenheit and 1,500 degrees, sometimes higher. “In the first few weeks, sometimes when a worker would pull a steel beam from the wreckage, the end of the beam would be dripping molten steel,” Fuchek said. (Walsh, 2002)
Joe "Toolie" O'Toole, a Bronx firefighter who worked for many months on the rescue and clean-up efforts, he said, '"Underground fires raged for months.” He remembers in February 2002 seeing a crane lift a steel beam vertically from deep within pile. "It was dripping from the molten steel." (Source: Messenger-Inquirer newspaper)
Greg Fuchek, vice president of sales for Links Point, Inc., described the working conditions were hellish, partly because for six months, the ground temperature varied between 600 degrees F° and 1,500 degrees F° or higher.
The names of 17 witnesses who reported seeing molten steel in the World Trade Center wreckage and what they said about it. See: Witnesses of Molten Metal at Ground Zero (
The only way to melt steel is in a furnace in a steel factory because to get iron to melt it takes some 2,750 degrees F.
Prof. Thomas Eagar explained in 2001 that the WTC fires would NOT melt steel. A fireplace is a diffuse flame burning in air, as was the WTC fire. Diffuse flames generate the lowest heat intensities of the three flame types... The maximum flame temperature increase for burning hydrocarbons (jet fuel) in air is, thus, about 1000 °C/ (1832 degrees F.) It is known that the WTC fire was a fuel-rich, diffuse flame as evidenced by the copious black smoke. Even if a steel column lost 50% of its strength that is still insufficient, by itself, to explain the WTC collapse. This was due to the risk from hurricanes. The WTC, on this low-wind day, was likely not stressed more than a third of the design allowable. Even with its strength halved, the steel could still support two to three times the stresses imposed by a 650 °C (1202 degrees F.) fire." (Eagar and Musso, 2001; emphasis added.)
Were Explosives the Source of the Seismic Signals Emitted from New York on September 11, 2001?
We demonstrate that only strong explosives could be the cause of such seismic waves, in accordance with the observed low frequencies. According to the presence of shear waves or the presence of Rayleigh waves only, we hypothesize a subterranean or a subaerial explosion (not at ground level or in the air). The magnitude of an aerial explosion is insufficient to provide seismic waves at 34 km from the WTC such that they were recorded at Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory seismic monitoring at Palisades, NJ. Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory is Columbia University's Earth sciences research center and is a core component of the Earth Institute, a collection of academic and research units within the university that together address complex environmental issues facing the planet.
Seismic monitoring utilizes sensitive seismographs to record the ground motion from seismic waves created by earthquakes or other sources. Seismograms from seismic monitoring stations can be used to determine the location, origin time, and magnitude (as well as other characteristics) of earthquakes.
LDEO had reported that the seismic signal began at 9:59:04 a.m. Since NIST wished to claim that the seismic signal was caused by debris hitting the earth it found itself in trouble. If the seismic signal that began at 9:59:04 was caused by debris striking the ground this left only five seconds for the debris to make it to the ground—utterly impossible without a violation of the laws of physics.
Since the distance between the two points is 34 kilometers, they gave 17 seconds as the time it would take the seismic waves to make their journey. It was on this basis that the time of 9:59:04 a.m. EDT was initially established as the origin time for the South Tower’s seismic signal. The arrival time of the seismic waves was, therefore, 9:59:21 a.m. EDT.
It was extremely unusual for a steel-framed skyscraper to undergo this kind of total collapse, whether from fire or from other possible causes. Secondly, it was peculiarly and suspect for first responders doing search and rescue work after the Twin Towers collapsed to have been warned in advance that WTC7 is going to collapse. Furthermore, we do not have the name or names of the engineers who allegedly told the owner of the WTC buildings, Larry Silverstein that WTC was in danger of collapsing. Additionally, on video tape Silverstein said he told a NY city fire chief something to the affect/effect, it would be better not to risk anyone’s life and so just “pull it.” Pull it is a slang word used by people who do controlled demolition, meaning using explosive to collapse a building. Silverstein had insured the buildings for $3.55 billion per occurrence. Silverstein settled for $4.55 billion.
Guidelines operative in at least some of the World Trade Center Task Force Interviews. When Firefighter Michael Morabito attempted to talk about the collapse of (WTC) Seven in his interview he was interrupted by his interviewer with the words, "They don't really want to know about 7." There are fire fighters who said that their interviewers terminated the interview abruptly once the collapses of the Twin Towers had been dealt with. Building Seven appears as an afterthought in finding out what fire fighters were doing.
Serious health consequences are known to occur when breathing benzene at 100 ppb, and it is known to cause diseases such as leukemia (HHS 2007). Note that, for the first few weeks after 9/11, the levels of benzene detected at GZ were relatively low, although perhaps higher than historical levels from structure fires. But the maximum value detected in November 2001 was 180,000 ppb, and the average daily detection for October and November 2001 was 18,000 ppb. The five peaks in benzene detection occurred on 5th October, 11th October, 3rd November, 8th November, and 16th November.
The spikes in detected levels of styrene are more prominent. Styrene is normally seen as a product of the combustion of plastics, notably polystyrene. Interestingly, the dates of the five highest levels of styrene detection occurred on the same dates as those of highest detection of benzene.
EPA’s Erik Swartz stated that 1,3-diphenylpropane (1,3-DPP) was present at levels “that dwarfed all others.” Swartz went on to say—“We’ve never observed it in any sampling we’ve ever done” (Garrett 2003). An EPA publication on the findings stated: This species has not previously been reported from ambient sampling. It has been associated with polyvinyl chloride materials, which are believed to be in abundance at the WTC site. These emissions lasted for over three weeks (9/26/01- 10/20/01) after the initial destruction of the WTC. (EPA 2006) The fact that this species had never been found before is a startling fact, considering that EPA has monitored extreme structure fires before, including those in which polyvinyl chloride (PVC) materials were present. EPA’s history with structure fire monitoring indicates that, to have never seen an organic compound like 1,3-DPP is very unusual, especially when it was found at such high levels. But 1,3-DPP was not only at high levels, it was also reported to have been “pervasive” (American Scientist 2003).
See the two steel beams thinned or corroded due to high temperatures approaching 1,800 degree F. and oxidation and sulfidation.
Airborne emissions (aka squibs)made from debris appeared to come from inside the and blew approximately 50 to 100 feet out from the side of the building in a fraction of a second. From video tape of this, it was calculated that one of the first bursts was fully ejected in approximately 0.45 seconds. This gives an average burst velocity of approximately 170 feet per second (fps) /116 mph//. Others have estimated the velocity of these ejections at over 1100 fps (750 mph). Have you ever seen a 90 mph fastball?
The demolition hypothesis, in contrast, seems to explain these high velocity bursts of debris. Research has shown that, for an experimental structure made of concrete and steel, debris launch velocities created by explosive charges are on the order of 164 fps This corresponds well with the earlier estimate made from video evidence of the disintegrating towers (170 fps on average).
Finally, can the hypothesis that compressed air explains how crushed concrete, or other debris, could have been created at levels twenty to thirty floors below a clouds of smoke, the “collapse” front that was already moving downward at nearly free-fall speed?
How could the WTC Twin Towers collapse in only 11 seconds (WTC 1) and 9 seconds (WTC 2)—speeds that approximate that of a ball dropped from similar height in a vacuum (with no air resistance)? Didn’t crushing all the concrete floor into dust slow down the collapse?
There are several other individuals who claimed to have heard explosions right before and during the time Building 7 collapsed, including first responders Kevin McPadden (was formerly a medic in the Air Force before 9/11, and he was there with a first responding medical and rescue people) and Craig Bartmer (former NYPD police officer on duty on 9/11).
Below are url/ links to wherein McPadden said he was told by Red Cross guy that "they are thinking about bringing a building down." Next within minutes this person who said this, came back after speaking to some fire fighters and had his hand over the radio. McPadden said next he heard a count down with the words three, two, one. After this person said "run for your lives." Next after two or three seconds, McPadden heard explosions so big, "like the ground rumbled and" (made him think he may) or "a person would maybe think he needed to grab onto something." ..."That was building seven that fell down." [login to see] 89268463&mid=E1EC59A497F014D0D628E1EC59A497F014D0D628&view=detail&FORM=VIRE
McPadden said he was at a staging area just north of WTC7. He said before he heard the count down on the radio, he saw the fire fighters acting unusual, running around, and picking up their equipment. McPadden said the Red Cross guy with the radio had a worried look on his face prior to the count down. McPadden traveled to ground zero completely of his own accord and spent the next four days searching through the rubble and nearby buildings for survivors.”
In the url/link to a video first responder, Indira Singh can be heard telling a report from KPFA on Aril 27, 2005, that she heard someone from the fire department said, “we are going to have to bring it down.” After the report asked her, “Did they actually use the words “brought down”?
The BBC broadcast that WTC7 had collapsed, but this was 20 minutes prior to it actually collapsing. Ok, mistakes happen based on mis-information, however 20 minutes is getting too close to the truth given no steel 47 stories tall building has ever been expected to do such a thing only due to fires.
NIST in its report said engineer determined WTC7 was unstable. He said he heard creaking. But NIST did such a poor investigation they failed to report his engineer’s name. Yet, due to him the fire chiefs refused to send their fire fighters into the building to put out the fire. There was some talk about not having any water in the fire hydrants, but the river was only feet away.
The collapse of 7 WTC at 17:20:33 EDT was recorded
Dr. Graeme MacQueen read thru the 10,000 pages of oral histories of the New York fire fighters and he found 60 fire fighters reporting some awareness that WTC7 was about to collapse prior to it actually doing so. On reading these histories/ after action reports, slightly over 30 fire fighters were told WTC7 was definitely coming down. Those who said this had been told four hours, two hours, one hour, or 30 minutes before it came down. The other some 29 fire fighters said there was some question the building may fall down.
One hour prior to WTC7 collapsing CNN keeps views focused on the pending collapse. At five minutes prior to it collapsing CNN say WTC7 on fire “posed” to collapse, and about two minutes prior to the collapse, CNN reports WTC7 “on verge” of collapse. The NIST report did not say one word regarding all this prior warnings to first responders to stay the hell away because it was certain it was coming down.
After WTC7 collapsed a NY fire fighter lieutenant said “we heard that the building was unstable, and it would be coming down, or it would be taken down.”
When Barry Jennings was repeatedly asked if the stairway explosion happened on about the six floor of WTC7, he said yes. And he and Mr. Hess were trapped inside the building after having managing to get up to the eight floor. There was lots of smoke and they assumed to whole stairway was no longer a method of getting out of the building. After about an hour and a half fire fighters came to their rescue.
NIST said in its report that Barry Jennings did not perceive an explosion. Jennings said he witnessed the stairway he was standing on collapse at about 9:30 am. NIST said Jennings was wrong and debris had hit the south face of WTC7 at 10:30 am.

Irrefutable ‘Molten Steel’ Evidence Indicates Inside Job, Proves 9/11 Commission Report...
Extremely high temperatures were evident before and during the destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and at Ground Zero. Seven minutes before the destruction of the South Tower, aflow of molten metalappeared, accompanied by several smaller flows, asdocumentedby the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The material’s glowing color showed that itstemperaturewas close to “white hot” at the very beginning of the flow...
COL John Hudson
LTC BROWN: I've held the highest Detailed Inspector General positions after being trained at the IG Academy in Washington, D.C.. An interesting briefing concerned the "WHY" of Leadership investigations centered on two unfortunate but documented categories headlining the reasons: 1) Sex 2) Money (not necessarily in that order).
Additionally, in our new and "enlightened" military structure, heightened recognition of "Accountability" and "Incompetence" are also taking their place as reasons for removal from position, going all the way up to high General Officer level. Somewhat recent political leadership scandals simply add fuel to the flames of disorder.
It has been my experience in life there's always SOMEONE who believes they can "game" a system - any system. As a service member for 30 years (Enlisted, Warrant, Commissioned) I've had a unique career exposing me to a universe of behavior within all three rank categories...witnessing the downfall of others kept me on the straight and narrow. I managed a $200,000.00 cash fund in Iraq (NO indemnity!) - meaning I was personally responsible for every penny of that cash. To me, those stacks meant nothing more than a pile of paper I had to manage - no "value" attached to it in my mind.
I also managed a $110 million dollar contract to build a school in Iraq; the first check I signed was for twelve million hard-earned American tax payer dollars - causing me so much apprehension I went back over the contract's Statement of Work (SOW) three times to ensure I had properly managed all aspects of inspection and completion before I signed the pay order! Call to mind the numerous military officers in Iraq convicted of felony financial theft and fraud. Our own Project and Contracts Office (PCO) had just over 6,000 contracts and only 60 employees to manage all of it - a potential recipe for fraud and disaster - avoided due to excellent leadership by our two-star.
While I believe that as human beings we'll never achieve true perfection, it's important to openly shine the light of day on any and every instance of wrong-doing as an example of what NOT TO DO if one wishes to truly succeed in today's military world. John
Additionally, in our new and "enlightened" military structure, heightened recognition of "Accountability" and "Incompetence" are also taking their place as reasons for removal from position, going all the way up to high General Officer level. Somewhat recent political leadership scandals simply add fuel to the flames of disorder.
It has been my experience in life there's always SOMEONE who believes they can "game" a system - any system. As a service member for 30 years (Enlisted, Warrant, Commissioned) I've had a unique career exposing me to a universe of behavior within all three rank categories...witnessing the downfall of others kept me on the straight and narrow. I managed a $200,000.00 cash fund in Iraq (NO indemnity!) - meaning I was personally responsible for every penny of that cash. To me, those stacks meant nothing more than a pile of paper I had to manage - no "value" attached to it in my mind.
I also managed a $110 million dollar contract to build a school in Iraq; the first check I signed was for twelve million hard-earned American tax payer dollars - causing me so much apprehension I went back over the contract's Statement of Work (SOW) three times to ensure I had properly managed all aspects of inspection and completion before I signed the pay order! Call to mind the numerous military officers in Iraq convicted of felony financial theft and fraud. Our own Project and Contracts Office (PCO) had just over 6,000 contracts and only 60 employees to manage all of it - a potential recipe for fraud and disaster - avoided due to excellent leadership by our two-star.
While I believe that as human beings we'll never achieve true perfection, it's important to openly shine the light of day on any and every instance of wrong-doing as an example of what NOT TO DO if one wishes to truly succeed in today's military world. John
Lt Col Charlie Brown
COL John Hudson thank you for your service and your comments. I was a squadron commander for six years and I put integrity first. Setting the example for my troops was one of the most important pieces of my job, imo.
But the previous POUS said you could grab em by the .......... Evidently when you lead, others follow your example for good or bad.
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