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Responses: 9
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Edited >1 y ago
That is so terrible the large number of deaths and the disposal of bodies. It makes Me think of the day of the black plague in Europe during medieval times and too many human bodies to handle and give proper burial. This isn't the type of thing one would expect to see in the 21st century.
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
>1 y
The Ganges is a Mother in India and in North India, especially in the Hindu customs, the departed are burnt to ashes and released into the Ganges, where Maa Ganga does her part and departed souls are reincarnated after 40 days of passing. Taking a dip in the Ganges is believed to cleanse sins and restore purity.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
>1 y
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana - The ashes also wouldn't have the same effect as decomposing human bodies although the importance of the river including long standing customs and religion is acknowledged. The ashes wouldn't be a problem and show proper respect to the departed persons and become part of the river. Quick disposal of whole bodies in the river however is more a move of desperation it seems to remove the massive number of bodies. I hate to see this sort of turmoil and loss of loved family members and worse without all the proper honor that such a situation has produced. I pray that this not last much longer and no other large number of people meet that horrible fate.
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LTC John Griscom
Had an interesting visit at the Ganges watching the cremations along the riverbanks with people bathing and brushing their teeth in it. My wife told me if she fell in, just shoot her.
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
>1 y
LTC John Griscom, Sir, I visited Hardwar, where the Ganges exits the lower Himalayas and heads for the plains. There is the asthi visarjan, which is when the ashes of the departed are given back to Ganga Maaiya. After 13 days of passing, the family releases the body of the departed for reincarnation and on the 40th day of their loss, the family celebrates the rising of their departed souls. These are rituals and old religious beliefs. This is why the Ganges is so significant in India. Maa Ganga also provides water for farming, villages and other settlements along its banks and in its vicinity. There is a program to clean the Ganges, so if you wish to donate to this cause I can guide you Sir.
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Sgt Print Journalist
Tragic. On another note, what a difference in practices between various foreign peoples. Which is why no westernized country should overload with immigrants.
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana - If only the US would get more educated immigrants. Biden overturned Trumps Proclamation about immigrants being able to work and buy their own health insurance.( thus tax burden on US citizens) Before that Biden happily stopped border wall building to allow flood of mostly poor immigrants from various countries across our southern border, from many countries...and yes, they many bring different practices to America. My key word in my previous comment was “overload.”
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
>1 y
Sgt (Join to see), immigrants from India are educated or are persuing high education. These people can afford Insurance.

The Wall, which Trump was building, was a joke to divert funds and give it a facade of legitimacy. The U.S. is a land of immigrants anyway and all these immigrants had a dream of opportunity and freedom, which they found in the U.S., so it makes no sense to pull the plug on immigration now. Separating parents from children was evil and the deplorable living conditions cannot be ignored. Allow others to taste success in our land of opportunities.
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana - We in America need the Wall or we have an invasion of border jumpers as we’ve seen. Border jumpers is not a safe “immigration policy.” Surprisingly, Biden now recognizes how stupid he was to stop the building of the wall that Trump started.
Under Trump Admin: Separated around 500 children from adults, because they were not necessarily their parents, to stop human trafficking.
Under Biden Admin : Encouraged more than ! 20,000 minors to make dangerous trek to US, many have already been scooped up by human traffickers.
A rational person can see the difference in these policies and actions.
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
>1 y
Sgt (Join to see), let's agree to disagree. In Arizona, I didn't witness wall jumpers; in Arizona, I saw drain movers. The wall wouldn't stop such movements across the boundary.

Separating parents from their children reminds me of the Holocaust, where Hitler segregated families into different concentration camps.

Presidents are political leaders and politicians are known to flip-flop and abruptly change direction, after winning elections. Whether Biden has realized or not remains to be seen.
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