Posted on May 16, 2021
Media Condemns Israel For Unprovoked Attack On Innocent Hamas Rockets
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 2
Unfortunately for the Babylon Bee this will probably happen before the end of the current conflict. The mainstream media is already lamenting how the Israelis "tricked" the Hamas leaders (terrorists who are using their own people as shields) into hiding in the tunnels so they would be killed without risking civilians.
That CNN anchor sounds like Don Lemon. I cannot believe he was crying on air, seriously crying on air while playing the video of one of the Capitol Police Officers that was attacked. Weather the crying was legit or not.....that alone should be justification for his removal. I saw nothing emotional about the tape other then he was gyning it up for ratings. There was nothing news worthy about the tape either which he played over and over again. CNN is paying the guy Boku bucks while the whole country suffers for that BS content. No wonder the holding company, AT&T, Is nearing financial collapse with it's heavy debt load. The bet the farm approach on Time Warner never paid off and companies in the Time Warner portfolio like CNN are dragging the former investment down into the gutter of valuation.
SPC Erich Guenther
I sold my AT&T stock. Merger with Discovery is not going to save them. Higher interest rates because all this government spending is going to eat AT&T alive with their over $150 Billion debt load and complete lack of a plan on how to pay that off. CNN Is not looking too well as a ongoing concern if AT&T Is forced to dump them.
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