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Responses: 5
SPC Erich Guenther
Honestly and even with an idiot like Biden at the helm, you do not have to move to cash. Invest in good quality companies that will weather the comming recession regardless. 3M, Union Pacific Railroad, Berkshire Hathaway, Kimberly-Clark, General Electric, McDonalds, Coke, etc. Buy and hold, Biden will not last forever and these are good companies and some with excellent dividend payouts.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
The companies that I sold had between 40 and 130% profit in the last 6 months.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
I have GE and Union Pacific. Thanks for the tips. I sold in the fall and winter on Tesla and Apple. Grossing 75 k. These were after the stock splits and all-time highs
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - Yeah I bought a bunch of high growth stocks as well that dropped like a rock and cost me almost $100k in losses so far on paper. ORTX, SKILZ, LMND, QS, etc. Have not sold them because I feel at least half of them will recover and the other half I can probably take the risk on. My biggest two gainers of my life have been SHOPIFY (SHOP) $375,000 gain. PULTE HOMES - $90,000 gain. My latest gamble was TWILLO stock which I bought for $80 a share or so. Hoping it becomes another SHOPIFY but who knows. Motley Fool Stock Advisor is only $100 a year to subscribe too but is well worth the price in subscription. Have done very well by them. Union Pacific has been in business since the Civil War, always has been among the best managed of railway companies in the United States......same league as BNSF which is their largest competitor and held by Berkshire Hathaway.
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MCPO Roger Collins
There is no safe place for cash or stock market. I’m well diversified, but unless enough people get hurt, this will continue. Way too many don’t understand Inflation or that many retirement funds are invested in the market. If we don’t wake up and end this one party control of a far left agenda in 2022, we may again feel the effects of a depression.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
The left will make fun of us saying it's a depression but it's actually going to be a flat stagnant economy kind of like it was in the late seventies and what Japan went through in the 90s. Eventually, the bond market and savings rates for certificates of deposit will be competitive once the bank's put the brakes on inflation but this could have all been preventable had the Democrats not thought about social justice and focused on the Bill Clinton and Donald Trump economic model of Economics but you can't argue with the Neanderthal-thinking Social justice non-economic Socialists. AOC (an Economics Major) is a Firebrand idiot who knows better but chooses social justice. SSG Robert Perrotto MCPO Roger Collins SMSgt Mark Venzeio MAJ Ken Landgren SPC David S. LTC Stephen C.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited >1 y ago
I will laugh at some of you who go cash if in general corporations report higher incomes due to markets rebounding post pandemic blues and the stock market goes up. What is the certainty do you speak of? GDP growth for 2020 was -3.5% but the S&P 500 went up 16%. There was tremendous uncertainty due to the pandemic yet the S&P 500 still made a nice gain for the year.
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