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Responses: 6
SrA John Monette
the orange man is gonna be soooooooooo pissed!!!
SSG Brian G.
SSG Brian G.
>1 y
Why? The Article only says he is set to testify. That just means that he either accepted an invitation or was served a subpoena to appear. It does not say he is cooperating with the probe.
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
>1 y
SSG Brian G. - oh, he's cooperating
SSG Brian G.
SSG Brian G.
>1 y
SrA John Monette - lol It does not say that. Not in the least. Stick to what is in the article.
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Cpl Archie H.
Behind the rhetoric of Trumps calling the November election a stolen election, is his fear of being prosecuted for his and his family crimes. I am surprised he and his followers will sacrifice themselves and the nation so he can save his corporate brand. The Trump empire is fading into the wind made of dust blowing annoyingly into democracies face.
Sgt Karen Schleif
Sgt Karen Schleif
>1 y
We are Americans, not democrats or republicans, libertarians. etc. As Americans, we still have the right to choose. We all have an opinion and have the right to express it. However, I don't think RallyPoint was created for political opinion or for cutting anyone down, no matter who they are, no matter how true you think your statements are. I'm sure there are other more appropriate sites for that. I believe that RallyPoint was made for the military community to communicate with each other, encourage one another, and to help each other out.
Cpl Archie H.
Cpl Archie H.
>1 y
I never think I know any truth. In fact my opinions are not my opinions just starting points for a discussion, to get the brain thinking. What I have done is try to kick start thinking. Thinking Karen "especially critically thinking" is good medicine for the soul, and for military minds especially. I served in the Marine Corps in some of the toughest fighting the Marines have ever experienced. Every time we got done with a fight we Marines got together and discussed what we thought our mistakes were. WE never blamed each other for so and so being wounded or killed. Because we wanted to learn from our mistakes. You say Rallypoint is not a place to put political opinions forward. Okay then as American we should hide. If we hide from searching for a bit of truth we will never learn from our mistakes. You say Americans are not democrat or Republican. If this is so why are we so divided? Something made us this way. My guess this might Americans do not critically think?
Cpl Archie H.
Cpl Archie H.
>1 y
Sgt Karen Schleif -Critically thinking! In October 1983 the Marine Corps was tasked to Beruit Lebanon to deal with its chaos. The Marine Corps had decided to set up in a fixed billet for BLT 1st Battalion 8th Marines as I understand. Soon after setting in an attack and bomb went off. The attack killed 307 people: 241 U.S. and 58 French military personnel, six civilians, and two attackers. A little later, a second bomber struck the nine-story Drakkar building, kilometers away, where the French military had stationed; 55 paratroopers from the 1st Parachute Chasseur Regiment and three paratroopers of the 9th Parachute Chasseur Regiment were killed and 15 injured. Add to this number were Lebanon civilians killed.

I remember I first heard about this attending church services on a Sunday morning. My first reaction was anger. Who was I angry with I said to myself. My anger was directed at the Marine Corps for billeting Marines in a fixed building site, making it a good target for terrorists, that is my “opinion”. How could our geniuses in DC running this operation come up with this bad plan to take Marines out of their dirt holes and put them in fixed buildings? Looks a lot like we were going to permanently occupy Beruit to the locals. Not a good thing! Americans are hated in this part of the world by enough people, thus putting US and even French military in fixed buildings looks a whole lot like a permanent US & French occupation of Beruit. Marines belong in the dirt in these situations! My opinion. We need critical thinking in the Military.

Another example is in the 80’s and early 90’s State Department Embassy Marine security guards were ambushed and killed on their way to work and coming home. When I commented how did terrorist know these were Marines. Then I sadly laughed. Because they were riding in white GMC vans. Even an unwashed Neanderthal could tell these young men were US Marines. When I asked a security expert if they could change the looks of transportation the Marines use. Maybe a pink GMC van I said cynically. She said ohh no this is what the GSA gives us to use. We need to critically think in the military.
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SFC Randy Hellenbrand
Attempts?? LOL!! Not the word I'd use.
SSG Brian G.
SSG Brian G.
>1 y
Yes, attempts or can you not read. Mueller determined Trump did not obstruct the investigation.
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