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Responses: 7
MSG Stan Hutchison
Here is a chance to see if exisiting laws are sufficient to effect the gun issue.
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
>1 y
SSG Bill McCoy - maybe it's not a matter of gun laws. maybe it's a matter of making sure that those who are not fit aren't allowed to enlist.
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
>1 y
SrA John Monette - That certainly is a relevant point.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
SSG Bill McCoy - the other issue with gun laws is they are the first thing bartered away by District Attorneys.
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
>1 y
LTC David Brown - Yup! Plea bargaining can be a good thing, but in most cases - especially invovling gun violations, it's not. Our DA has a slogan, "Not in our back yard!" relating to gun and drug crimes. Yet EVERY case is plea bargained down with at best, a moderate sentence with "time served," while awaiting trail counted and far too many are immediatley paroled. Part of that's on the judges, but the DA never pushes for max punishments.
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SrA John Monette
so we still have to worry about gangs in the military. i thought that went out with the 80's
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
>1 y
LTC David Brown - I wasn't guessing, I'm referencing a paper by the FBI on RMVE's.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
1LT Voyle Smith - I met one fellow who was offered the choice. I went into the Army in 1978. The fellow was a senior enlisted, great guy. He thought he was a tough guy. A judge gave him the choice. He liked to fight etc. His drill Sargent took him “ out back” kicked his butt and told him to straighten up..
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
SFC Michael Hasbun - I consider the FBI to be politically corrupted at this point. They ignored Hillary’s security failures including classified material on a jerk sexeting with a minor. The FBI blind sided General Flynn. They allowed Steele to pull the wool over their eyes with the Bull Manure dossier. Indeed, the State Department issued warnings about the dossier. The whole buggy man in DC is white supremest. One general basically stated white supremest were not a problem.
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
>1 y
LTC David Brown - there are CID reports verifying our issues with white supremacy. You can easily find news story's of Soldiers being charged with and dismissed for ties to extremist groups and actions, but it's not lost on me that anything provided you'll simply dismiss as part of some corrupt conspiracy.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Time for courtsmartials
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