Posted on Apr 29, 2021
Blastoff! China's new space station's core module launches
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 5
Sgt (Join to see)
That's right, Uh-Oh... and they are building up their military and their Ships, Planes and Missiles... I believe we need to be aware and prepare...imho...
Space Race II, except this time it's China not USSR. Younguns may not remember but those of who lived through it can recall how far behind the US was.
Sgt (Join to see)
China is rapidly trying to catch up to and surpass us as I view it, Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen and I can recall how far behind Russia we were years ago... We should be taking China more seriously that we are today imho...
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Sgt (Join to see) Agree on that for sure. One big difference I think is that we never relied on USSR for anything but we rely on China for just about everything. Because of that we're reluctant to offend them and ignore their build-ups in many areas, not just space and military.
China's PLA army enlists rap-style music video to recruit young soldiers
The People's Liberation Army has released a rap-style music video filled with masculine lyrics and advanced weaponry in an attempt to attract more young peop...
Thank you my space-exploration advocate friend Sgt (Join to see) for posting the documentary video Blastoff! China's new space station's core module launches
China's PLA army enlists rap-style music video to recruit young soldiers
FYI COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen LTC (Join to see)MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. Sgt Albert Castro PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SSG Samuel Kermon SSG Franklin Briant SP5 Geoffrey VannersonA1C Riley SandersGySgt Thomas Vick CPL Douglas Chrysler LTC (Join to see) SFC Chuck Martinez SMSgt Tom Burns SGT James Murphy SFC William Farrell
China's PLA army enlists rap-style music video to recruit young soldiers
FYI COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen LTC (Join to see)MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. Sgt Albert Castro PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SSG Samuel Kermon SSG Franklin Briant SP5 Geoffrey VannersonA1C Riley SandersGySgt Thomas Vick CPL Douglas Chrysler LTC (Join to see) SFC Chuck Martinez SMSgt Tom Burns SGT James Murphy SFC William Farrell
LTC Stephen F.
Music video - Big Trouble in Little China - John Carpenter's Coup de Villes
For more information about this music video, John Carpenter, or Big Trouble in Little China, check out M3 - Movies, Music and Microcode at http://gil.acroyea...
Music video - Big Trouble in Little China - John Carpenter's Coup de Villes
FYI Cpl (Join to see) TSgt David L. SPC Michael TerrellSSG Paul Headlee SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D SSG Michael Noll SPC Randy Zimmerman Sgt Albert Castro Sgt Vance Bonds Cpl Vic Burk Sgt Vance Bonds MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi SGT Denny Espinosa SGT Mark Halmrast SPC Nancy Greene SPC Michael Terrell SPC Michael Oles SR SGT Randal Groover PO3 Bob McCord SGT (Join to see)
FYI Cpl (Join to see) TSgt David L. SPC Michael TerrellSSG Paul Headlee SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D SSG Michael Noll SPC Randy Zimmerman Sgt Albert Castro Sgt Vance Bonds Cpl Vic Burk Sgt Vance Bonds MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi SGT Denny Espinosa SGT Mark Halmrast SPC Nancy Greene SPC Michael Terrell SPC Michael Oles SR SGT Randal Groover PO3 Bob McCord SGT (Join to see)
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