Posted on Apr 28, 2021
U.S. Troops land in the Dominican Republic in attempt to forestall a “communist dictatorship”
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 5
Good morning, ma'am. Had never heard of this so can only thank you for posting the article.
One of the other Platoon Sergeants in my company at 7th I.D. was there in I believe '65. There was a whole lot of civil unrest then. Another interesting read is what was happening in Panama about that time. I'll check out your article when I get time.
Now we have Socialists embedded at all levels within our government stealing elections and dismantling our Constitution. When our government fails to guarantee the sanctity of our elections, we can have no confidence in the outcome. The Biden Administration IS. NOT. LEGIT! We go through the motions of voting but the outcome is determined by those who count the votes. The people of this country have lost control of the government. The Progessive Democratic Socialists (aka Democrats aka RINOs) have sold this country out and want to give up America’s sovereignty to international control. They have bigger aspirations and could care less about this country or the Founding Fathers experiment in Democratic self-rule via elected representatives in a Constitutional Republic. They don’t want borders and they want to bankrupt this country so that we will willingly give up our sovereignty in exchange for having our debt erased as we join the New World Order which they fancy themselves in charge. It’s not about us. It’s all about them. Rule by an elite privileged ruling class of rich oligarchs who see themselves as morally and intellectually superior which gives them a mandate to think for the rest of us who depend on their superior judgment and problem solving skills to fix our problems, and provide for all our needs... But rest assured, a government powerful enough to give you everything you need is also powerful enough to take it all away. America is being ruled by tyrants. Must we look to Egypt to figure out what to do with a government that ceases to represent and answer to the people that elected it??!!
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