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Responses: 3
SSgt Richard Kensinger
Another one bites the dust! Not surprised at all. Many of Donald's most ardent promoters exhibit direct or indirect ties to this ideology.
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SrA John Monette
when a white supremacist/racist fires you for being too racist, you know you are evil
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Cpl Archie H.
What are white nationalists afraid of? For me I will soon be gone from this earth, and if there is an afterlife I will see the beautiful culture that developed post white nationalist America on our planet earth in my absence. When Rome ceased to exist I was told Europe was in chaos. I always doubted a lot of this story. What grew out of this so called chaos was the Europe we see today a magnificent collection of languages and cultures. Today Americans and the world spend $$$ trillions to see Europe today. A Europe that would not be as it is today if Rome would have kept interbreeding! I can say this because My Heritage DNA says I am a direct descendent of white people on the Mayflower. Instead of fearing change I embrace change.
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
>1 y
white men are the most afraid. what, exactly, we are supposed to be afraid of is beyond me. why can't a woman do the same work and be paid the same? why can't a black man? or any other person, period?
Cpl Archie H.
Cpl Archie H.
>1 y
The only thing I fear losing in regard to our nation is the Rule of Law. In regard to the US Military is the fear of losing effectiveness of the UCMJ. The UCMJ is the glue holding the military together. Without this we could not have any effective national defense. We need fear of the UCMJ within the ranks to make us able to defend our nation. Without the fear of the UCMJ pilots could refuse to attack the enemy. Soldiers would refuse to leave their fighting holes. As for the civilian side the Rule of Law makes our economy grow where citizens can live in peace and prosperity without fear of the streets. Without the Rule of Law Americans would live in poverty , and the loss of our constitution.
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