Posted on Apr 25, 2021
17 Years of Service on Mars… Former Space Program Operative Tells His Story
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 8
Could our government been much further ahead in the space program than they let on to Americans?
PO3 Kenneth Suvanto Maj Marty Hogan CSM Charles Hayden 1SG Steven Imerman SPC Mark Huddleston SPC Woody Bullard AB Edward Mondini A1C Mike Allen SPC Randy Zimmerman SGT Randal Groover LTC (Join to see) PO1 H Gene Lawrence SMSgt Lawrence McCarter . CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana SSG Michael Noll SSG Samuel Kermon . SMSgt David A Asbury . LTC Stephen C. SGT Ed Matyjasik PO3 Bob McCord
PO3 Kenneth Suvanto Maj Marty Hogan CSM Charles Hayden 1SG Steven Imerman SPC Mark Huddleston SPC Woody Bullard AB Edward Mondini A1C Mike Allen SPC Randy Zimmerman SGT Randal Groover LTC (Join to see) PO1 H Gene Lawrence SMSgt Lawrence McCarter . CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana SSG Michael Noll SSG Samuel Kermon . SMSgt David A Asbury . LTC Stephen C. SGT Ed Matyjasik PO3 Bob McCord
AB Edward Mondini
Sgt (Join to see) It would be more possible that the Germans sent a rocket to Mars and even then, I’d be pulling your leg. The only reason Americans got to the Moon was because of Werner Von Braun’s knowledge & expertise in rocket technology from the German V2 program. If it turns out NASA was sandbagging us all and really did develop the rocketry & space-faring space ships, and all the 21st Century technology we take for granted today, to traverse 30 million miles one way to Mars, that would make me wonder: why didn’t they use that technology to end the war with Germany & Japan much sooner, because that technology would’ve had to exist then in order to make the trip.
A nation can’t just “scare up” that kind of advanced technology in 12 months’ time. It took the US 20 years (from 1945 to 1965) to develop, test & launch the Mariner 4 robotic spacecraft and all it did was take a few photographs as it zoomed past Mars. It would be another 10 years after that before the US was able to land two Viking landers on the surface.
But I’d be happy to be proven wrong if anyone has hard & fast evidence to show otherwise.
A nation can’t just “scare up” that kind of advanced technology in 12 months’ time. It took the US 20 years (from 1945 to 1965) to develop, test & launch the Mariner 4 robotic spacecraft and all it did was take a few photographs as it zoomed past Mars. It would be another 10 years after that before the US was able to land two Viking landers on the surface.
But I’d be happy to be proven wrong if anyone has hard & fast evidence to show otherwise.
AB Edward Mondini
PO3 Kenneth Suvanto The “computer” on Apollo was extremely primitive by today’s standards. I’m amazed those astronauts actually took the trip with what they had. If they did have crashed extraterrestrial craft, scientists could not possible have reverse-engineered its technology in 12 or 24 months. That’s like sending an F-35 back in time & asking 1950s era aeronautical engineers to figure it out in 12 months. They wouldn’t know where to start. And extraterrestrial aircraft, just going by what I’ve seen on video, are even more advanced than the F-35 by probably 500 years. Those craft can stop on a dime & change direction at 90 degrees in a split second. That’s some pretty serious technology. And I haven’t even mentioned yet what it’s using to overcome gravity.
Comparatively speaking, the F-35 is still a bi-plane.
Comparatively speaking, the F-35 is still a bi-plane.
SGT Mary G.
Sgt (Join to see) - Good question. Gotta wonder . . .
Thanks for sharing the interview. And thanks for tagging advice too. Now I know how to post to more than one group at a time.
Thanks for sharing the interview. And thanks for tagging advice too. Now I know how to post to more than one group at a time.
Sgt (Join to see)
AB Edward Mondini - The trouble is, when a government steadfastly hides its deepest secrets, how can anyone get you what you would consider “hard and fast evidence?” This may never happen in your lifetime. However, that’s why I’m when seeking truths, I will settle for the testimony of credible witnesses (often good enough in courts across the land). You can question their credibility, of course, but I’m only concerned if they are credible in my eyes.
I don't know what they could of had on Mars in the fifties. However, maybe some fallen Angels crashed landed in Roswell in July of '47 and took some passengers back with them to Mars in a rescue vehicle. It is my firm belief that aliens (which are really fallen Angels) are going to make their presence known before I die in like twenty more years. I've had this premonition that I will kick the bucket at the age of approximately 86 js. Anyhoo, I also know from history we have a track record of keeping technology a secret for approximately twenty years! We've built nuclear powered aircraft and are building nuclear powered rockets today. NTP rockets produce twice the thrust per unit of propellant than a chemical system. This means the technology could get astronauts to Mars and back in less than two years. Since what I've said so far, is completely in the realm of reality, I see no reason we couldn't of had bases on the Moon and Mars! So, YEAH, I'll fall for it and would very easily believe it because I know the RULERS of this earth are getting ready reveal that there are aliens...that's what this PANDEMIC is all's a baby step in introducing us to the aliens (or fallen Angels)! Hold my beer and do not be deceived! No such thing as aliens...only fallen Angels and people will reject Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and many will get the MARK of the beast so they can buy and sell instead of putting their FAITH in not loose your faith...Sincerely, Ken
Sgt (Join to see)
PO3 Kenneth Suvanto I agree with your assessment that US science and technology are advanced at least 20 years from what we’re allowed to see.
Prior to 2001/09/11, I believed every soldier, NCO, WO and Commissioned Officer was trustworthy in their submission, both written and verbal. I would follow my leaders and peers without two thoughts; I was simple and transparent, which is most likely why a few took undue advantage of me back then and undervalued my contributions to our Country.
Post 9/11/2001, in our own Country, a democracy, given my experience, I couldn't even believe those who I had made my own. I doubted everyone and every submission, because dishonest and disloyal comedians had suddenly taken control, even in the uniformed services of the mightiest democracy globally. Fear spilled everywhere. Ncoes who once gave their utmost respect and loyalty, and made the Command a well-knitted family, both in and out of work, became selfish and distant. A senior non commissioned officer could turn from being your most trusted hand into your adversary, on a dime, was alien to me. If I could trust another then, who could I trust? The only answer respectfully responding from deep within; my inner gut suggested that under this new regime I can only trust myself.
I was alienated at work. My superiors wanted to even alienate me at home; however, my family is a very close knitted group of extremely strong supporters that outside noise and pollution is trashed, and not thrashed, at once.
The threats, lies and misinformation that my superiors treated me with, and spread about me was a satirical comedy. If anyone can believe that a company-grade officer who was handpicked by his Command leadership to serve as acting CXO and Operations Leader alongside his own assigned responsibilities, even when there was an abundance of field grades in attendance in the Command, can become a poor performer overnight then, a soldier living on Mars for 17 years isn't far-fetched at all. If you can believe that a Veteran of over a decade of active duty service can go AWOL without good reason then, you can also believe that the U.S. has had life on Mars since the 1950s.
I was tried twice for the same accusations and both trials found the Command and its leadership at fault, yet the three-officer panels tried to convict me without a single proven charge against me by having me apologize for the wasteful conventions to falsely incriminate me; why? Because I did not belong in the white man's army; because I was not an academy graduate or an a**-ki**er or; because I was colored and didn't believe in Jesus Christ, yet I am from the humble Abode of the Almighty - Believe me.
Sgt (Join to see), unless there is evidence from a competent authority, believing that U.S. military personnel have been on the red planet for 17 years or that life on Mars has existed since the 1950s is not prudent for me. Anyone can give interviews to mislead the public into accepting fake news. Be careful.
Post 9/11/2001, in our own Country, a democracy, given my experience, I couldn't even believe those who I had made my own. I doubted everyone and every submission, because dishonest and disloyal comedians had suddenly taken control, even in the uniformed services of the mightiest democracy globally. Fear spilled everywhere. Ncoes who once gave their utmost respect and loyalty, and made the Command a well-knitted family, both in and out of work, became selfish and distant. A senior non commissioned officer could turn from being your most trusted hand into your adversary, on a dime, was alien to me. If I could trust another then, who could I trust? The only answer respectfully responding from deep within; my inner gut suggested that under this new regime I can only trust myself.
I was alienated at work. My superiors wanted to even alienate me at home; however, my family is a very close knitted group of extremely strong supporters that outside noise and pollution is trashed, and not thrashed, at once.
The threats, lies and misinformation that my superiors treated me with, and spread about me was a satirical comedy. If anyone can believe that a company-grade officer who was handpicked by his Command leadership to serve as acting CXO and Operations Leader alongside his own assigned responsibilities, even when there was an abundance of field grades in attendance in the Command, can become a poor performer overnight then, a soldier living on Mars for 17 years isn't far-fetched at all. If you can believe that a Veteran of over a decade of active duty service can go AWOL without good reason then, you can also believe that the U.S. has had life on Mars since the 1950s.
I was tried twice for the same accusations and both trials found the Command and its leadership at fault, yet the three-officer panels tried to convict me without a single proven charge against me by having me apologize for the wasteful conventions to falsely incriminate me; why? Because I did not belong in the white man's army; because I was not an academy graduate or an a**-ki**er or; because I was colored and didn't believe in Jesus Christ, yet I am from the humble Abode of the Almighty - Believe me.
Sgt (Join to see), unless there is evidence from a competent authority, believing that U.S. military personnel have been on the red planet for 17 years or that life on Mars has existed since the 1950s is not prudent for me. Anyone can give interviews to mislead the public into accepting fake news. Be careful.
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