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Responses: 3
MSG Stan Hutchison
I would have preferred this article relate to all people of color, not just blacks, although blacks do seem to be targeted. My son learned long ago the dangers of driving while being a young man of color.
1SG John Millan
1SG John Millan
8 mo
Its proportional to crimes committed, NOT population. That irresponsible, racist and absurd logic would lead to if a minority group is say 12 percent of population, once they constituted 1 percent of arrests, no further arrests could be made and the anarchy wouldnt just be in dystopian, broken, anarchistic blue cities, it would be nationwide. A novel strategy would be obey the law and support law enforcement. SMH.
1SG John Millan
1SG John Millan
8 mo
Typical hard left, cop hating propaganda. I was a cop 30 years. Had people like you gunning for us on one side and violent criminals on another. Crossfire. I lost 2 good cops in an ambush as a police chief in Alaska; one who served 10 years USNC, survived deployment, only to be murdered in front of his family. Between cop haters like you and the defund police, no bail anarchists, I'm shocked anyone wants to be a cop. At least we have guns being somewhat on our own. Or wait, are you after our guns too, with 300,000 illegals being welcomed in monthly?
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1SG John Millan
Stupid point. Police should not de-police based on color. Most states say police SHALL, not MAY, arrest the dependent without unnecessary delay. How's about obeying the law people?
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SFC Randy Hellenbrand
Yup!! If you have seen my previous posts, I ended driving black buddies from Benning into Alabama so that they wouldn't get arrested for driving a car while black.
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