Posted on Apr 8, 2021
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 5
Texas is investigating sexual assault and child abuse allegations at a
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced Wednesday that state officials were investigating allegations of child abuse and sexual assault at a shelter for migrant chi...
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced Wednesday that state officials were investigating allegations of child abuse and sexual assault at a shelter for migrant children in San Antonio, which is currently sheltering 1,370 minors. Abbott said in a press conference that the state's Department of Family and Protective Services fielded three reports alleging abuse and neglect at the Freeman Coliseum — one of the temporary emergency shelters that federal officials set up to accommodate the influx of unaccompanied migrant children arriving in the US. Abbott said there were four main components in the allegations: child sexual assault, a lack of staff to safely supervise the children, a lack of food for the children, and a failure to separate children with COVID-19 from those without it."This is a health and safety nightmare," Abbott said.
FYI MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. LTC (Join to see) COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SMSgt David A Asbury SSG Franklin BriantSPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D TSgt David L. SGT James Murphy 1SG Steven ImermanSPC Michael Terrell A1C Riley Sanders SSgt Marian MitchellSPC Michael Oles SRSGT Michael Hearn Sgt (Join to see) SGT (Join to see) PO1 Steve Ditto
FYI MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. LTC (Join to see) COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SMSgt David A Asbury SSG Franklin BriantSPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D TSgt David L. SGT James Murphy 1SG Steven ImermanSPC Michael Terrell A1C Riley Sanders SSgt Marian MitchellSPC Michael Oles SRSGT Michael Hearn Sgt (Join to see) SGT (Join to see) PO1 Steve Ditto
Just wait, all hell is going to blow the roof in a very short order with all the temporary facilities being opened around the country. How are we suppose to take care of all the influx streaming across the border when we can not even take care of our own.
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