Posted on Apr 5, 2021
Janet Yellen to call for global minimum tax rate in first major address as Treasury secretary
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Where does the money go and what unelected individuals spend it?
I am surprised all central banks have not called for a global currency. Because, a global currency would keep currency from being Manipulated. It probably would cause all 401ks to be worth 25% of their value as debt is eliminated.
Warburg stated we will have global government. In the 1950’s, he knew the plan.
I am surprised all central banks have not called for a global currency. Because, a global currency would keep currency from being Manipulated. It probably would cause all 401ks to be worth 25% of their value as debt is eliminated.
Warburg stated we will have global government. In the 1950’s, he knew the plan.
CW3 Dick McManus
Cpl Mark A. Morris - I do not respect your failure to understand the danger from global warming and with over population we are running out of fresh water and top soil needed to grow crops. As the crop growing season's weather keeps getting hotter, that results in a decrease in crop yields. As US fracking oil and natural gas companies continue to go bankrupt that means the US will need to import more oil and natural gas. As more people enter the US illegally, we will need to increase our spending for infrastructure.
The US national debt was about $23 trillion one more trillion added recently in 2020.
$3.9 trillion for CV-19 virus and the new Great Depression prevention
And Biden’s plan to spend some $1 trillion to $2 trillion to fix all the lead pipes in American cities.
some $6 trillion to $8 trillion added to the nation debt due to the undeclared wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
So the interest on this figure is over $? trillions per year
The State and Local government debt is $2.2 Trillion then and now $5.8 trillion (aka Intra-Governmental Debt is money owed by the Treasury to other government services and agencies.
Includes almost $3 trillion of the national debt is owed to the Social Security Trust.
• Social Security Trust Fund - Approximately 13% of the total national debt.
• Retirement Funds (Civilian and Military) - Approximately 9.3% of the total national debt.
• Medicare Trust Fund - Approximately 3% of the total national debt.
• The FDIC Trust Fund - Approximately 1.6% of the total national debt.
Unfunded obligated/liabilities federal spending: Federal employee pension contingent liabilities (incl. Postal service), $ 4.0 trillion,
Unfunded state and local government employee pension and medical contingent liabilities, $ 2.7 trillion.
TOTAL: $47 Trillion
Infrastructure debt: some $3 trillion. Plus unknown cost to fix our forest to prevent maga-wild fires.
The US national debt was about $23 trillion one more trillion added recently in 2020.
$3.9 trillion for CV-19 virus and the new Great Depression prevention
And Biden’s plan to spend some $1 trillion to $2 trillion to fix all the lead pipes in American cities.
some $6 trillion to $8 trillion added to the nation debt due to the undeclared wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
So the interest on this figure is over $? trillions per year
The State and Local government debt is $2.2 Trillion then and now $5.8 trillion (aka Intra-Governmental Debt is money owed by the Treasury to other government services and agencies.
Includes almost $3 trillion of the national debt is owed to the Social Security Trust.
• Social Security Trust Fund - Approximately 13% of the total national debt.
• Retirement Funds (Civilian and Military) - Approximately 9.3% of the total national debt.
• Medicare Trust Fund - Approximately 3% of the total national debt.
• The FDIC Trust Fund - Approximately 1.6% of the total national debt.
Unfunded obligated/liabilities federal spending: Federal employee pension contingent liabilities (incl. Postal service), $ 4.0 trillion,
Unfunded state and local government employee pension and medical contingent liabilities, $ 2.7 trillion.
TOTAL: $47 Trillion
Infrastructure debt: some $3 trillion. Plus unknown cost to fix our forest to prevent maga-wild fires.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
CW3 Dick McManus How odd.
I never committed on over population or earth’s temperatures.
Are you heavily medicated?
Debt, should bring the crisis desired by the central banks. Illegal aliens grow government, create chaos and racism and harm culture. Exactly what the Democrats sold out to.
I never committed on over population or earth’s temperatures.
Are you heavily medicated?
Debt, should bring the crisis desired by the central banks. Illegal aliens grow government, create chaos and racism and harm culture. Exactly what the Democrats sold out to.
CW3 Dick McManus
Cpl Mark A. Morris - You are probably right, I could be less crazy than I am.
If I recall correctly you are against UN agenda 21, correct? I told you I do not understand what the UN agenda 21 is all about, other than I suspect it is about the likely world future that will be unstainable in terms of provide for the need of happy survival of people on earth, correct?
I agree with you the people who enter the US illegally or overstay their visas are causing problems in terms of causing lower wages or unemployment for US citizens, especially for citizens who have not graduated from high school especially during a US economic recession.
Given that the people who enter the US illegally are the only way the US is increase our population (basically speaking the US now has zero population growth due to parents who were born in the US. So therefore, I agree it increases the cost of government.
You wrote, "create chaos and racism and harm culture. Exactly what the Democrats sold out to." I disagree. Republicans like AWOL Bush increased our national debt by some $6.5 trillion by lying us into unjust and undeclared war in Afghanistan and Iraq and failed to raise taxes on the super rich to pay for it. And also Republicans have refused to get the US out of NATO and continue to support defense spending by deploying US troops to the eastern European nations of the former USSR. Republicans continue raise the false alarms over the Russian Federation's invasion of Crimea, yet the Crimean people and many eastern Ukrainian people think of themselves as Russian and many are married to people who came from Russia.
What do you mean by "Debt, should bring the crisis desired by the central banks."
Do you mean the US government is basically run by super rich Americans, many who own banks? Are you saying, we live in a dynastic oligarchy made up of some 47 super rich kings and some 130 billionaire princes who rule for the most part?
What would you do to fix our illegal and legal immigration and guest worker problem?
If I recall correctly you are against UN agenda 21, correct? I told you I do not understand what the UN agenda 21 is all about, other than I suspect it is about the likely world future that will be unstainable in terms of provide for the need of happy survival of people on earth, correct?
I agree with you the people who enter the US illegally or overstay their visas are causing problems in terms of causing lower wages or unemployment for US citizens, especially for citizens who have not graduated from high school especially during a US economic recession.
Given that the people who enter the US illegally are the only way the US is increase our population (basically speaking the US now has zero population growth due to parents who were born in the US. So therefore, I agree it increases the cost of government.
You wrote, "create chaos and racism and harm culture. Exactly what the Democrats sold out to." I disagree. Republicans like AWOL Bush increased our national debt by some $6.5 trillion by lying us into unjust and undeclared war in Afghanistan and Iraq and failed to raise taxes on the super rich to pay for it. And also Republicans have refused to get the US out of NATO and continue to support defense spending by deploying US troops to the eastern European nations of the former USSR. Republicans continue raise the false alarms over the Russian Federation's invasion of Crimea, yet the Crimean people and many eastern Ukrainian people think of themselves as Russian and many are married to people who came from Russia.
What do you mean by "Debt, should bring the crisis desired by the central banks."
Do you mean the US government is basically run by super rich Americans, many who own banks? Are you saying, we live in a dynastic oligarchy made up of some 47 super rich kings and some 130 billionaire princes who rule for the most part?
What would you do to fix our illegal and legal immigration and guest worker problem?
They want a global minimum because they want to raise our corporate rate and don't want these corporations leaving for countries with low rates. Why should countries who are trying to attract these corporations want to follow the U.S. since we seem hell bent on driving our corporations out.
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