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Responses: 3
Maj John Bell
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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Some days I actually feel like that, especially when I see biased studies being passed off as good work. I am seeing way too much of it in the last 13 years or so. When my people performed evaluations for environmental clearances that I had to review and approve, If I let work get by like I saw in this article, I would have lost my job a long time ago. Thankfully I'm retired now. :)
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - Yeah, I've hit the point that I hope they DON"T make some medical breakthrough that will prolong my life into the 90's or 100's. A person can only stand so much voodoo that is being passed off as "wokeness."
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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Maj John Bell - You and me both Brother.
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SFC Melvin Brandenburg
I find the media's free pass only exists for the left
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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Of course you are correct.
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LTC Jason Mackay
Edited >1 y ago
Quote from the article: ""There's more one-on-one interaction when you're not in the office," Pao said. "People are seeing more harassment on chat and on email and on video conferencing."

Two of those things have a transcripted record that HR could pull. Don't understand why if it happened, it wasn't addressed.

Video conferencing could be recorded and the associated chat transcribed. If I were HR I would make this mandatory.

It cited a number of behaviors as harassment...which aren't, like raising your voice/yelling. Unprofessional? Sure, harassment? In and of itself, hardly. Not a smoking gun without other context. I would have appreciated a few examples for context vice the sterile categories.

Three thoughts:
- If the person's objective is to find injustice in everything, that's how they'll see it, whether it is there or not.
- if you were harassed and the employer addressed it, then it's done, unless it reoccurs...then Rinse lather repeat. If they are readressing them same person over and over, then that is on the employer and a legitimate grievance where more action should Be taken. If you said nothing, then no one will address it.
- if you got scuffed up by your boss for not doing your job, it is not automatically "harassment". They have to address the employee performance multiple times in very nit picky ways to fire them, which the burden for documenting is on them to calm HR into pulling the trigger on firing. It is incredibly difficult to fire someone as you may end up in labor court and have to defend it to a judge.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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>1 y
All great points that are true Sir. I always say the Truth will set you free. Thank you.
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