Posted on Apr 2, 2021
Gulf War Illness Study Event - The Roskamp Institute
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 2
This was two years ago and Randall Parrish and Robert Haley have since issued their reports that GWI is not caused by exposure to depleted uranium and that it is caused by a combination of soldier genetics and exposure to low levels of Sarin nerve agent.
SFC Jimmy Arocho
Dear LTC Herbig, when you have a moment I’d enjoy connecting with you in effort to advocate for the GWI community; [login to see]
SFC Jimmy Arocho
This informational event was focused on Gulf War Illness (GWI) research. Participation would require your being available in the Central Florida area. Send me an email, [login to see] ; I will do my best to help or direct you to helpful resources.
Lt Col Roger Helbig
What are your concerns, Gary? Do you have GWI or think that you do from the symptoms you have experienced? If so, contact Dr Robert Haley at University of Texas Southwest Medical Center utswmed + haley will work to find him. See
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