90% Complete
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Influence Score: 3,964
11,808 out of 868,041 Veterans
11,808 out of 868,041 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I am actively looking for veterans who have some experience with depleted uranium kinetic energy penetrator rounds for tanks or aircraft. I have been researching depleted uranium since 2004 when Douglas Lind Rokke, then a leading American disinformer about DU who is still all over the internet as Dr (PhD Vocational Education) or Major (Major USAR (ret) personally lied about me.
Military Experiences
Mar 1973 - Jun 1974
Maintenance Chief
Chief of Maintenance, 12th AF Electronic Warfare Training Range. First person assigned to what became Gila Monster (we even had a live mascot until Arizona Fish & Game sent me an application for a zoo license and I did not think that the colonel wanted a zoo) Lt Col Sam Davis, hero Wild Weasel Bear at Luke AFB wanted to train pilots working the Luke AF Range in what they might encounter over North Vietnam. We named ourselves based on the 57th Tactical Electronic Warfare Sq (TEWTS) at Nellis AFB that eventually became Red Flag. The company making the duplicate Soviet radars went bankrupt so we were extremely creative. USAF sent in a C-130 to pick up rebuilt device from George AFB junk yard mounted on truck I borrowed from Phoenix USAR that was next to Marine HAWK battery at JCS ex. .
Sep 1971 - Nov 1972
Communications-Electronics Officer
Everything from Boy Scout Project Officer to Squadron Commander for the month of November 1972 on this small SAGE System radar site which was the first line of defense against Canadian invasion. The border was at the bottom of the hill. We also were only USAF site that operationally was part of the Canadian 22nd NORAD Region at North Bay, Ontario. Still have a part of the FPS-7 search radar antenna from its conversion to the FPS-107.
Aug 1969 - Jun 1970
Student, Electronic Systems Officer
Hurricane Camille hit Keesler on the night of 17 August 1969 flooding Gulf Port Airport runways so I became Commander of the AF in Exile on the Naval HQ base in Gretna, Louisiana across the Mississippi from New Orleans. I reported aboard to a Navy Commander. We left about a week later in a convoy of AF Recruitin Svc cars to drive to Biloxi and it was like going into a war zone with us having the doors open as we crossed the Bay St Louis Bridge in case it collapsed. Along with learning all about electrons, I learned to fly with the Aero Club and we shared the runway with the VNAF learning to fly I think the A1E
Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Jan 1973 - Feb 1973
Disaster Preparedness Officer
Aug 1969 - Jun 1970
Electronics Systems Officer
Security Clearance
Top Secret
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees