Posted on Mar 30, 2021
Kamala Harris is Lying. She and Others are Coming After Your Guns
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 9
No need to hide their agenda anymore. They're in control and will remain in control forever thanks to HR-1
SP5 Dennis Loberger
Forever is a big statement and assumes people are incapable of changing. My Mother is a diehard Democrat who believes in an unfettered 2nd Amendment and that government funding of abortion is wrong. These issues are often part of a pendulum swing that reverses itself later. It may be a slow swing, but it swings nonetheless. Take heart, work for what is right and remain hopeful
CPT Jack Durish
SP5 Dennis Loberger - It matters not how we vote. It matters more who is counting the votes and how they are counting them. HR-1 insures that they will be counted in favor of a one-party nation just as California is now a one-party state.
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