Posted on Mar 28, 2021
Man With 6 Firearms Arrested At Grocery Store Following Tip From 'Startled' Shopper
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 4
Could be a mentally ill guy who feels the world around him is collapsing and wants to make a stand and a statement, or it could be that these guys are brain washed plants who are, with good timing I might add, being physiologically energized to carry out this heinous activity to install enough fear in the masses that the common citizen demands gun control. It has been a growing trend that the citizens of this country willing hand over their rights in the need to feel secure and safe. Think about it. The chances of a private citizen in this particular location answering an armed perp with return gun fire is 1 in a million chance as this area of Atlanta is made up mostly of millennials who don't and wouldn't own a gun. The only chance of anyone responding to an attack like was getting ready to happen would be a possibly armed security guard. Everyone else in the store lives in a high rise with in a block or two of the store and maybe some GA Tech students. This was a staged plan for maximum effect. You don't see this shit happening in rural locations or suburbs in and around Atlanta because folks are carrying all the time. I think these shootings are being staged to install fear in the group that just elected our current president and who buy into government is their god and politics is their religion.
SGT Gregory Cole
Man, I agree with you. Lockdowns or not, if these people wanted to, they could have gone to a grocery store and shot it up anyways. MK ultra type stuff I bet. Its just too much of a coincidence that these are happening now with such frequency. The spa guy might get a pass, if it is true about his activities there. Bonkers plus guns usually equals bad news.

Suspended Profile
Surely wasn’t going duck hunting. That is a lot of weapons. What type of container did he use to walk around with all those weapons.
Thank you for the news share from NPR shipmate PO1 William "Chip" Nagel , it is rather strange as to why the man had all those weapons.
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