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Responses: 11
Maj Robert Thornton
Heck, even Feinstein has her worthless bill in the Senate. Her assault weapons ban would ban my Mossberg MVP Flex because it had a pistol grip, collapsible stock, and a detached magazine. Also, probably, because it is black. It is a bolt action rifle, the pistol grip helps because of limited supination of my right arm after my motorcycle wreck. It is time for these politicians to get over their hatred of all firearms.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
4 y
I'm not for it either. If someone wants to hunt with an AR, or rec shoot, that's their business. I don't have to worry about confiscation, but it's more gasoline on the fire IMO. I certainly wouldn't turn a neighbor in if they did legalize confiscation either. Too many are wrapped up in other people's business already. It's their life, and their choices to make. If they don't shoot at me they are not an enemy. The real issue is crazy people, and nothing will change that. The term "crazy like a fox" applies to screening. Secondary is those that have chosen a lifestyle of lawlessness. The cartels weigh their money in semis and could afford mass production of most man-pack weapons. Both categories will always find a way to get the arms they want. Besides pistols and 2 shotguns, I own 2 bolt action rifles. They all fit my needs, which differ from the needs of others. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is written in stone.
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CW3 Kevin Storm
Edited 4 y ago
I don't agree with any new forms of gun control, but I also don't agree with labeling people leftist troll. Last I checked this was still a Republic. As a Republic we elect individuals to represent us. These elected officials choose what to pass as law and what dies. We as citizens have the duty to inform those elected officials of our will, they may or may not follow our will. Many of the reasons why the Dems are in charge now is due to the previous administration. Many Americans who normally would not have voted did. Meaning we are stuck with this until 2022, when we can turn the House red once again. Now the Republicans should be looking at what is going on and start to modify their stances on somethings, or 2022 may be as bad as 2020.

Also, some food for thought, who is going to be dumb enough to admit they are going to violate Federal Law on a public forum?
PO1 Todd B.
PO1 Todd B.
4 y
My leftist troll comment is geared toward those we know who do nothing but that... It's not geared toward liberals or democrats as a whole.. The people it was geared toward know who they are.

And stop trying to convince us the election was fair and true.. You can believe what you want.. as far as I am concerned, the election was a fraud.. PERIOD. But I am not hear for that.. I am hear for a blatant push and move to take away a Constitutional Right...

There are well over 150 MILLION gun owners with double or triple that in the number of firearms owned. It is and HAS BEEN clear for a while now that our "government" is no longer for and by the people.. You can spin it all you want.. The rest of us know the truth.

A few in power that somehow keep staying in power for decades, have the control. Even now they congress is moving to actually OVER TURN a legit certified house vote in Iowa... yet the left uses that same old tired excuse you just did about elections and on and on.. Well apparently the rest of the left never got the same memo you did because they intend on voting in committee to OVER RULE THE PUBLICS VOTE and decision.

... and so back to my question is, WHAT will you do if this happens? What side of the line will you stand or will you uphold your oath?
CW3 Kevin Storm
CW3 Kevin Storm
4 y
As WO who is in the retired reserve status subject to recall, I am morally and legally bound to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Does that mean I agree with it? Not always. Does that mean I will go to someone's door and request you hand over things...don't place money on that one either.
PO1 Todd B.
PO1 Todd B.
4 y
Standing up and saying I will not abide is what MORE people need to do, not continue to be sheep like some here. We are in this mess because too many people hide behind comments like that...

And dems are not in charge for any reason that the amount of money changing hands outside the public view. This last election proved the American people can no longer believe in legit elections..

AND once pelosi and her election committee over turn the CERTIFIED votes in Iowa to change the outcome of the Iowa election, what excuse will you use then to call our elections legit?

You can keep sticking your head in the sand all you want.. I no longer will remain quiet nor hide behind what I see happening.. THIS AMERICAN will speak out more and more and will do so in public. You can try to shame some into remaining quiet with your comment about those speaking out are dumb...

Are you trying to imply that those of us speak should be concerned, afraid of 'them' coming for us because we have and do speak out? Are you admitting the USA has already turned the corner into tyranny, if that's the case? Someone comes for me in the night, they better understand I will fight. I will defend my home, my family and my oath... and if that comes from me exercising my First Amendment but publicly and loudly now, then so be it. Unlike you, I don't intend on sitting on my ass doing nothing and acting like a sheep.. I want to save this Republic and this is only the first step.. speaking out and making my voice heard.

From my perspective, the dumbs ones are not those of us speaking out more and more.. No, the dumb ones are those that refuse to step up and do so BEFORE THINGS GET worse or come to a level that pushes things way over the edge into something none of us want to see.

The dumb ones are those that refuse to step up and do SOMETHING about it, even if it is speaking out about it in public.
A1C Michael Beal
A1C Michael Beal
4 y
CW3 Kevin Storm - We took an oath to obey the lawful orders of those over us. Gun confiscation isn't a lawful order as it is a direct infriungement on the 2nd Amendment. Our obligation, in that instance, is to refuse the order.
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TSgt Aerospace Medical Service
This is a question that should be left unspoken and amongst smaller groups, is already known. While I do not agree with the actions of the recent past, I do understand. We have drifted so far beyond the original powers granted to government, it has become a self sustaining, social engineering, psychologically manipulating propaganda beast. It’s selective enforcement of laws that apply to one part of society, while creating other laws intent on furthering their ability to oppress another sect of society is blatantly obvious. These people have enough political scientist and human behavior modification specialist employed in the system, and enough emotionally imprisoned apron string tiggers to get the job done. Maybe not as quick as they would like; however, as cycles go and as facts and objectivity are obsolete, the spoiled and the fearful with wall hand in hand down the road of fallen societies past. Progressivism convincing people to be to follow the same failed policies and practices of societies before and expecting a different outcome.
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