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Responses: 2
MSG Stan Hutchison
But what about BLM??? (sarcasm)
PO2 Bill Reardon
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SPC Cathy Goessman
The person who wrote this article does not understand the difference between Tasers and stun guns. Quoting overblown claims about a stun gun's effectiveness from the seller of it and then bringing in deaths due to TASERS to make it seem more dangerous is just laughable.

To sum up: A wimpy little stun gun baton, one person with bear spray, lots of people with sticks, one with a gun, etc.

Not disputing that this wasn't the average protest crowd but NPR is just showing its bias IMO.
1px xxx
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>1 y
If more officers were on the scene a lot of those people carrying "wimpy weapons" would gotten shot and possibly killed. That's a fact. It doesn't matter what weapon you bring to a gun fight, it's still a weapon.
SGT Lorenzo Nieto
SGT Lorenzo Nieto
>1 y
This issue will never go away they are going to hang these people no matter how small the law they broke not for what they did but because they backed trump was it the right thing to do, hell no it was stupid on there part, they gave the Democratic Party the best tool to use against the republicans in the history of this country, and they are going to use it no matter who it hurts.
SGM Robert Murray
SGM Robert Murray
>1 y
Sounds to me as if you went to a secondary narrative summary. Taser? Stun gun? I betcha I know the difference between taser/stun gun and bear spray. Ask a bear which it would prefer. Matter of fact, go into the woods and challenge a bear with either of the two "weapons."
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