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Responses: 3
Lt Col Charlie Brown
What we need are those who are legally entitled to vote, to get out and vote. No dead people, no one who is not a citizen. No one voting in multiple locations.
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
>1 y
So true, ha did the Dems ever accept the election of Donald J TRUMP? Russia Russia Russia was a lie sold and peddled by the DEMS and there cohorts in the media. They still don't accept the 2016 election to day.
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CPT Alexander Grant
We need ranked choice voting so the issues can matter more than the tribalism
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SPC Les Darbison
What a crock of S--t Voter integrity isn't racist, And anyone who says someone can't get an ID because of their race or skin color is the true racist! When 3rd world countries like Mexico have voter IDs, they use to vote with and leave that ID with their ballot, and then when the election is over, it's mailed right back to them. Are the guys who wrote this post and shared it, aren't they saying voter integerty isn't important? I have mainly voted absentee since 1972. I have to request to do that, and I have to sign it with my signature. And that makes my signature on my ballot verifiable. Election Day is election day; all votes in by-election day should be counted, and none after that date. Voting without a verifiable signature or no signature should never be counted! (COME ON MAM) as the puppet likes to say, really?
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