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Responses: 13
Lt Col Charlie Brown
The problem for Democrats is when you blatantly flaunt election law and then institute policies that no one wants (e.g. money to Iran, bombing Syria, opening the southern border, putting children in cages, passing a massive spending bill that provides handouts to your friends and pays off your debts, etc), and then install a man as President who doesn’t know where he is and is led around like a geriatric patient, you get scared Americans will see through your corruption.

Well, that sums it up nicely doesn't it?
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SGT Joseph Gunderson
I was just talking to an army buddy of mine about this. I think Gateway hits the nail on the head. The Dem led government is enacting terrible and unpopular policies, some blatantly unconstitutional. They know the American electorate has had just about enough of their shenanigans, and it's only a matter of time until enough people are ready to take matters into their own hands in a serious manner. The Dem politicians would much rather toss the expendable NG in harm's way, effectively sacrificing these unwitting pawns to the inevitable storm just to keep themselves safe. It's gross.
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
>1 y
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
>1 y
SSG Robert Perrotto - Yes Alex Jones assume way too much.

I made up the following questionnaire to weed out candidates who seek your endorsement, but who supported political views exemplified by Alex Jones and Qanon believers. Try using this in whatever political party you self-identify with.

And of course, you and candidates should feel free to explain their answer(s). And even refusing to answer some questions may tell us a lot about the candidate.
Do you believe we are will never run out of CHEAP oil and natural gas?

Do you believe scientists are wrong about global warming being a very serious threat and the cause is not man-made?

Do you believe the population growth is nothing to worry about?

Do you believe only three bullets were fired at President Kennedy and Lee Oswald fired all three?

Do you believe people have actually seen an alien being or a space ship (aka UFOs from out-space); notwithstanding that people have seen strange things/lights in the sky that are unexplained?

Do you believe that the US government has recovered parts of an alien out-space craft, that aliens brought technology to earth and that is the reason we humans now have it?

Do you believe human civilizations in the past gained advanced technologically that science has only discovered in the past 100 years?

Do you believe that Nikola Tesla invented unlimited, free energy and the energy producing, companies are keeping it secret?

Do you believe that people can somehow predict the future, communicate with dead people, and/or read other people's thoughts?

Do you believe that there may be real ghosts and demons that make people crazy, aka “demonic possessed”?

Do you believe that the US did not really land a man on the moon and/or 12 Americans did not really walked on the moon?

Do you believe our elections can be faked or hacked even if the exit polls results agree statistically with the election results?

Are you troubled by the fact that Nancy Pelosi did not publically speak up after she learned in about 30 private briefings that Bush and the boys were planning to use torture?

Do you believe the Democratic led Congress was wrong for not prosecuting of Bush et al for war crimes, for allowing Gina Haspel to become CIA Director, and for not prosecuting CIA officer Jose Rodriguez for destroying the video tapes of CIA torture?

Are you troubled about all the past presidents who have made war on other nations without a Congressional declaration for war and Obama doing drone attacks (aka a war on terrorism)?

Do you believe economic sanctions placed on other nations by presidents should require a Congressional declaration of war by sanctions?

Do you believe a President Trump should have gotten a Congressional declaration to sell weapons to nations like Saudi Arabia given their war against Yemen and after they killed a US journalist?

Do you believe on 9/11 that all three of the World Trade Center buildings totally collapsed to ground level only due to airplanes and office fires?

Do you believe it is freedom of speech for corporations to give money to candidates?

Do you believe that the holocaust of the Jews did not happen?

Do you believe that our national income tax is unconstitutional?

Do you believe that low levels of fluoride used to prevent tooth decay in our drinking water, is poisoning people?

Do you believe vaccines cause autism?

Do you believe depleted uranium weapons used by the US military did not harm civilians during the wars and long after the wars end?

Do you agree we are in a war on science?

Do you believe we need a new law called “assessor to a pandemic” to punish sheriffs who violates the order of our Governor for social distancing and etc?

Do you believe we need a new law authorizing the Secretary of Defense and/or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to protect the Congress and US Supreme Court Justices from a rioting mob if the President does not act?

Shouldn't we be asking every candidate these questions, even candidates for judge?

What other questions do suggest we should be asking?

My answers are all NO except for:

Are you troubled by the fact that Nancy Pelosi speak up publicly after she was briefed in about 30 private briefings that Bush and the boys were planning to use torture. YES

Do you believe the Democratic led Congress was wrong for not prosecuting of Bush et al for war crimes, for allowing Gina Haspel to become CIA Director, and for not prosecuting CIA officer Jose Rodriguez for destroying the video tapes of CIA torture? YES

Are you troubled about all the past presidents who have made war on other nations without a declaration for war by Congress or by Obama’s drone attacks, aka war on terrorism? YES
Do you believe economic sanctions placed on another nations by presidents need to require a declaration of war by sanctions by Congress? YES

Do you believe a President Trump should have gotten a Congressional “declaration to sell weapons” to nations like Saudi Arabia due to their war against Yemen and after it killed a US journalist? YES

Do you agree we are in a war on science? YES
Do you believe we need a new law called “assessor to a pandemic” to punish sheriffs who violate the orders of our Governor? YES

Do you believe we need a new law authorizing the Secretary of Defense and/or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to protect the Congress and US Supreme Court Justices from a rioting mob if the President does not act? YES


Stay safe,
Richard McManus
Chief Warrant Officer-3/counterintelligence special agent (more like an FBI agent than CIA officer) and combat paramedic/LPN, Vietnam US Army retired, BS psychology and nursing, ,former 911 telephone guy Seattle police department and King County Police officer, Everett, WA
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
>1 y
CW3 Dick McManus - That Palestine still exists shows great restraint, and dedication to a peaceful solution on Israel's part regarding this conflict. Should Israel ever decide to just end it with a military occupation, I would support them, These are a people who have sworn the destruction of Israel, and have never made any attempt at a peaceful solution. That they exist as any form of a political body after years of terrorist attacks upon non combatants is only through the will of Israel. I have zero sympathy or empathy to the plight of the Palestinian people, who have chosen their course. One day, they will sting the bear once to many times, and the bear will destroy the hive.
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SFC Melvin Brandenburg
Never should have been there in the first place
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