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Responses: 4
Lt Col Charlie Brown
What's going on is terrifying...and how long it will last is anyone's guess
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1SG Steven Imerman
That, sir, is a good question.
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LTC Kevin B.
"strongest economy in American history, greatest job growth"???

He must not be looking at real data (or any data, for that matter). Trump was the first President since Herbert Hoover to depart office with fewer jobs in the country than when he entered ("job killer"). Unemployment reached a record high under Trump. GDP growth was average (lagged behind Reagan and Clinton, as well as during GWB's first term), and that was even before the pandemic.

The best thing you could say about Trump's economy was that he maintained the good economy that he inherited....until the pandemic blew up everything. When the pandemic gets factored in, he really has no legitimate claim on being successful (from an economic standpoint).
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
LTC Kevin B. I put this video in “conspiracy theories” for people such as yourself. The news I believe is obviously different than your sources.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
>1 y
Sgt (Join to see) - My source is the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Any other source is questionable, at best.

I get that some people like Trump, they want to build him up, and they want to defend him. However, these claims about his ability to build and manage a strong economy falter like a house of cards in a stiff breeze when anyone looks at the data on his economic performance. No debate exists on this particular issue. The data speak volumes.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
All you have to do is google the news stories from 2018, Trump warned repeatedly that the Economy was doing so well the Fed was starting to get concerned about overheating, yet Trump administation stated it believed the U.S. Economy could sustain growth rates well above 3% and was on track to prove that claim before they started to shut things down........which the pandemic was a huge set back for the Economics of this country. Had Trump succeeded in showing the folks in power that greater than 3% not only lifts people out of poverty it also increases wage growth across all economic levels. Now with Biden in charge, even though he has benefit of pent up demand and a growing cash stockpile......Biden is passing so many stagnate or submerge the Economy proposals that we are probably going back to stagnant growth or worse that we had under Obama.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
>1 y
SPC Erich Guenther - "stagnant growth or worse that we had under Obama"

You mean "the greatest, sustained expansion of our economy in history"?

BTW, I'm well aware of the economic performance under Obama and Trump, to include the impact of the Great Recession at the start of Obama's first term and the pandemic at the end of Trump's one and only term. Anyone trying to articulate that Trump was some kind of an "economic savant" is not making an argument based in economic fact.
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