Posted on Mar 4, 2021
D.C. National Guard Chief: Trump Pentagon Screwed Up Riot Response
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 9
SPC Erich Guenther
SGT Edward Wilcox - I know because you have the same access to Google that I do and your on this website which means you also have internet access. Not to difficult to conclude. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. Get it out of your system. The reaction had nothing to do with who appointed the guy. At least be rational about it. The Capitol Police publicly admitted that a few hundred would have made a difference. Really? Where was the DC Police? Where were the Capitol Police reserves? Why did some Capitol Police abandon their posts? Wait and see posture was reasonable given what happened with the NG Deployment just a few months earlier in the Summer against BLM and their initial failure to disperse in close proximity to the White House. Democrats went to town publicly shaming the NG Deployment reaction to that and the use of tear gas. All that is forgotten in just a few months but I guarantee you the DoD did not forget it.
SGT Edward Wilcox
SPC Erich Guenther - None of which answers the question: Why did the SecArm hamstring the NG response? Where were the DC police? Policing DC, as in the main protest on the Mall. The capitol Building is not DC police jurisdiction. Does the Capitol Police department even have a reserve? Who cares. The request was made for NG troops. The request was approved, then that approval was, largely, taken away. In the face of an overwhelming force, I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did. They did not abandon their posts, they were overrun. Finally, yes, it does matter who appointed the SecArm, as he is the one that made it impossible for the NG to deploy in manner that would have helped the Capitol Police. Approval to deploy took 3 hours. That had nothing to do with the reaction to the BLM protests last summer. The NG never engaged with BLM last summer. If any teargas was used, it was used way from the Capitol Building, and by DC police.
SPC Erich Guenther
SGT Edward Wilcox - I disagree and your wrong. NG was used against the BLM protestors because of close proximity to White House and concern they would not disperse when ordered to. I find it really amazing that the left accuses Trump supporters of conspiracy theories and look what is going on here? Same deal by the left. Understandable the DoD hesitated the second time after bad press the first time. Doesn't matter who appointed the guy, it could have been a Casper the Friendly Ghost appointment. Reaction second time would have been cautious based on the lambasting they got in the summer with BLM protest.

Police, National Guard clash with protesters to clear streets before Trump photo op
Trump vowed to use the military "to stop rioting and looting" before he posed with a Bible in front of a church that was damaged by fire in Sunday's protests.
SGT Edward Wilcox
SPC Erich Guenther - I forgot about the photo op. I was referring to another protest that had the NG in full riot gear standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial, while BLM protested on the Mall. There was no contact between the two, because the protest remained peaceful. The incident you are referring to happened at Trumps orders so he could get a photo taken in front of a church. They were never given the option to disperse. And, no, I don't believe, after reading the memo, that that incident was the reason they did not deploy earlier in the day.
Bullseye!!!!! The Secretary of the Army controls the deployment of the DC national Guard. We know who appointed him. Anything else is right wing fake news.
SSgt Richard Kensinger
Somehow Flynn's brother is involved and I am not at all surprised. More to come!
SPC Erich Guenther
It really was a knee-jerk reaction to accomodate the Democrats that slammed the DoD in the Summer for the deployment then. Even the deployed NG in DC figured that out a while back. Not sure why this is a surprise or why attempts to shift blame on RP are being made. Too late, troops know the truth. RP Discussions notwithstanding. I don't think the Democrats learned anything here but hopefully the DoD has learned to ignore the Democrats public stage acting and to act in the National Interest instead of attempting to appease the Democratic Party.
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