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Responses: 3
CWO3 Us Marine
CPAC should be entertaining.
SFC Terry Wilcox
SFC Terry Wilcox
>1 y
Cann't wait to hear the proposals for the GOP platform. It had better be real good - the only way to beat the democrat's seemingly empty pockets is to have a better plan of attack.
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Lol, President Trump not leaving the arena as the radical Left hoped. Obviously they couldn’t make him disappear by any means.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
Ann, they can put him in prison.
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SFC Melvin Brandenburg
If the GOP fractures you might be right
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SN Greg Wright
Edited >1 y ago
It might surprise you that, hyperbole aside, I agree: GOP is finished in the form it took from the latter half of the 20th until now. I mean, is there any more clear a sign that they are spineless, than McConnell flopping like a fish from 'TAR AND FEATHER TRUMP NAO' to 'Yes of course I support him 100% 2024'? Is any further proof required that they are gutless sycophants who have shown themselves utterly unwilling to do anything about big tech censorship? They won't even freaking TALK seriously about repealing or amending Section 230. Any actual proof of voter fraud was lost in the face of their inept inaction. GOP is finished.

Problem is...so is the Donkey, if no one wakes up and reigns in the Xiden/Harris radical agendas. Already, support is dropping for this administration. You have democrat mayors BEGGING Biden to stop releasing illegal immigrants into their cities, so they won't have to choose where to allocate resources, aliens vs citizens. You have rabid Dems who promoted the #believeallwomen talking point who are now completely ignoring the Cuomo (multiple!) fiascos. You have a mainstream media who says 'ORANGE MAN KIDS IN CAGES IS TEH BADZ!!!' and then say, about the VERY SAME PICTURE, 'Oh look, migrant 'overflow' facility with decorations and cafeteria!! *GASP!!!* WE'RE ACTUALLY FEEDING KIDS!"...

...and these people think the Average American is fak'n STUPID enough to buy the hypocrisy.

I no longer know what the political future of this country is. Both parties are broke-dick, worthless, selfish, self-serving caricatures of what they used to be. And I don't know what the solution is, either. I do think the divide is so deep now that the only way it gets closed is for one side to obliterate the other.

And...I don't think that's a good thing at all. Because both sides fucking SUCK giant donkey balls.
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
>1 y
CWO3 (Join to see) - I'm totally sure that a multi-billionaire who spent four years donating his 400k salary to charity is TOTALLY GOING TO MISS his 400k yearly pension. If it passes.

Jesus fucking christ. Are you really this mentally inept?

You and yours can't hurt Trump financially. You can't hurt him politically. You can't hurt him ideologically.

God, that must suck.
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
SN Greg Wright - CWO3 (Join to see) SFC Melvin Brandenburg President Trump is not going away as the Dems/ Anarchists hoped, the Stolen Election will actually work in Conservatives’ favor as new admin’s changes take their hold. For instance, Americans will choke on $5.00+ gal. My husband’s Biden-supporting friends’ just got schooled abruptly when their insulin cost jumped from $100 to $450 all because Biden overturned Trump EO which capped insulin costs.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
>1 y
SN Greg Wright - Bonus points for blasphemy. Maggie's Drawers on attempt to insult me. Me and mine don't care what happens to Trump FWIW, but A for effort in reading that into what I wrote.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
>1 y
Sgt (Join to see) - I merely posted a news update Ann. I don't care what happens to Trump, as long as I don't have to hear his name anymore.
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