Posted on Feb 20, 2021
Declaring ‘America Is Back,’ Biden Tries to Regain Europe’s Trust
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 10
Good luck with that. We stabbed them in the back during the last Democrat administration
No country can survive on it's own. Hopefully he's able to repair the damage that's been done to our alliances. We are either prominent on the global stage, or we're irrelevant. We can't keep being irrelevant like we have been the last few years. We've lost so much influence and political power.
CPL Larry Bezemer
CW3 Dick McManus - John Oliver??? I really do need a subject of a Queen telling me Shit!
CPL Larry Bezemer
CW3 Dick McManus - But eh, thanks for addressing the billion in cash the boy king and biteme slipped into Iran in the middle of the night.
CPL Larry Bezemer
Ignored by Media: Dirtbag Joe Biden Says US Veterans and Former Police Officers Are Fueling White Supremacism in America....
And you think what, he likes you? LMFAO
And you think what, he likes you? LMFAO
CPL Larry Bezemer
Hell, I will even direct you to your leaders on that story:
Biden says White supremacists are the greatest domestic terror threat in America
President Joe Biden participates in a CNN town hall in Wisconsin. Follow here for the latest.
Corrupt Creepy Joe and the rest of the Dimowits are all about Europe over Americans, Illegals over Americans, Middle East over Americans., everyone else over Americans... What Trump did was place American interests first, brought back JOBS, stopped relying on other countries, and made our allies pay their fair share of things. Every other country in world looks out for their country first, but Lord forbid if we did the same thing.
CW3 Dick McManus
Eat Shit Bob Murray
Why see this link. SLAPP Suits: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - YouTube
Resolution against $38 billion per 10 years in US military aid to Israel and support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)
Whereas Israel’s settlements have no legal validity and constitute a flagrant violation of International law,
Whereas Israel has failed to obey 69 UN resolutions,
Whereas in 1967 Israel military attacked the USS Liberty, killing 34 crew members,
Whereas in 1986 the La Belle disco bombing was really done by Israel, not Libya.
Whereas former head of the Israeli military General Dan Halutz orchestrated the bombing of Lebanon which killed up to 1,200 civilians in the summer of 2006,
Whereas the Jewish Defense League (JDL) was classified as "a right-wing terrorist group" by the FBI in 2001 and is considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center,
Whereas since 1968, the Jewish Defense League (JDL) killed seven people and wounded at least 22 and from 1980 through 1985, there were 15 officially classified terrorist attacks in the US committed by members of the JDL according to the FBI,
Whereas in 1985 The New York Times reports the FBI is aware of at least a dozen incidents in which American officials transferred classified information to the Israelis and the Justice Department did not prosecute,
Whereas in the 1960’s the Israelis owned company called NUMEC stole some 200 pounds of highly enriched uranium (HEU) enough to make at least six atomic bombs,
Whereas on October 31, 1985 the Washington Post reported that Richard Smyth, the owner of MILCO, was indicted on charges of smuggling nuclear timing devices to Israel,
Whereas in 1992 The Wall Street Journal reported that Israeli agents apparently tried to steal Recon Optical Inc's top-secret airborne spy-camera system,
Whereas in 1992 Stephen Bryen caught offering confidential classified US documents to Israel
Whereas in 2005, an intelligence analysts in DoD, neocon-created, Office of Strategic Influence,
Larry Franklin was convicted of stealing US national security secrets to give to Israel and in 2009 the US Justice Department refused to prosecute AIPAC officials, Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman, who were caught receiving those classified US documents from Franklin,
Whereas there have been over 125 investigation of cases regarding Israeli espionage against the US,
Whereas the State of Texas has passed a law requiring people and businesses to certify they will not boycott Israel or if they refuse to sign, they will not get any State aid for damage suffered from a hurricane,
Whereas we like people of the Jewish faith,
Whereas there were five Israeli citizen arrested on September 11, 2001 who were arrested after photographing the damaged Twin Towers and it is highly likely they informed prior to this incident it was going to happen and they admitted on Israeli TV that their purpose in taking photos was “to document the incident, “
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED we supports the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel,
Why see this link. SLAPP Suits: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - YouTube
Resolution against $38 billion per 10 years in US military aid to Israel and support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)
Whereas Israel’s settlements have no legal validity and constitute a flagrant violation of International law,
Whereas Israel has failed to obey 69 UN resolutions,
Whereas in 1967 Israel military attacked the USS Liberty, killing 34 crew members,
Whereas in 1986 the La Belle disco bombing was really done by Israel, not Libya.
Whereas former head of the Israeli military General Dan Halutz orchestrated the bombing of Lebanon which killed up to 1,200 civilians in the summer of 2006,
Whereas the Jewish Defense League (JDL) was classified as "a right-wing terrorist group" by the FBI in 2001 and is considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center,
Whereas since 1968, the Jewish Defense League (JDL) killed seven people and wounded at least 22 and from 1980 through 1985, there were 15 officially classified terrorist attacks in the US committed by members of the JDL according to the FBI,
Whereas in 1985 The New York Times reports the FBI is aware of at least a dozen incidents in which American officials transferred classified information to the Israelis and the Justice Department did not prosecute,
Whereas in the 1960’s the Israelis owned company called NUMEC stole some 200 pounds of highly enriched uranium (HEU) enough to make at least six atomic bombs,
Whereas on October 31, 1985 the Washington Post reported that Richard Smyth, the owner of MILCO, was indicted on charges of smuggling nuclear timing devices to Israel,
Whereas in 1992 The Wall Street Journal reported that Israeli agents apparently tried to steal Recon Optical Inc's top-secret airborne spy-camera system,
Whereas in 1992 Stephen Bryen caught offering confidential classified US documents to Israel
Whereas in 2005, an intelligence analysts in DoD, neocon-created, Office of Strategic Influence,
Larry Franklin was convicted of stealing US national security secrets to give to Israel and in 2009 the US Justice Department refused to prosecute AIPAC officials, Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman, who were caught receiving those classified US documents from Franklin,
Whereas there have been over 125 investigation of cases regarding Israeli espionage against the US,
Whereas the State of Texas has passed a law requiring people and businesses to certify they will not boycott Israel or if they refuse to sign, they will not get any State aid for damage suffered from a hurricane,
Whereas we like people of the Jewish faith,
Whereas there were five Israeli citizen arrested on September 11, 2001 who were arrested after photographing the damaged Twin Towers and it is highly likely they informed prior to this incident it was going to happen and they admitted on Israeli TV that their purpose in taking photos was “to document the incident, “
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED we supports the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel,
CW3 Dick McManus
MSgt (Join to see) - Did you find him as funny as I did? And that he is damn correct about this asshole who keeps suing people, especially workers who risk their lives so he can get rich? He must have the same sociopathic genetic make up as the Trumpster.
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