Posted on Jan 28, 2021
US issues terror alert over anti-government extremists
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 3
SSG, this is not a trump only issue, it never was. Plenty of anti government violence has been happening way before trump even thought about running for Potus. but solid effort trying to put a very diverse issue into a singular and ignorant shoebox.
I am not sure how old you are, but it is very obvious that you have no recollection of the violence during the Anti War protests during Vietnam, in which a large number of them where anti government.
I am not sure how old you are, but it is very obvious that you have no recollection of the violence during the Anti War protests during Vietnam, in which a large number of them where anti government.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Robert Perrotto - As you effortlessly show as you continue to make excuses for your choices. Don't feel bad, Honey. Ignorance is a choice, one you seem comfortable to make.
Also, it's painfully obvious that you don't know sarcasm. Why would I bother to hit someone as worthless as you in the mouth physically. Ignorance is a choice but your stupid is contagious.
Also, it's painfully obvious that you don't know sarcasm. Why would I bother to hit someone as worthless as you in the mouth physically. Ignorance is a choice but your stupid is contagious.
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Michael Hartsfield - the only one getting destroyed here in this argument is you. anti government violence has been going on way before Trump - you refusing to acknowledge that it has, and your whataboutism, while ignoring the Anti Trump violence that has occurred, speaks volumes about you. the only one that is making excuses is you. The only one avoiding questions is you, the only idiot in this conversation is you.
I tell you I do not want to get into the whatabout game with you, you keep insisting I present facts about the violence from the democrat side that contributed, and then you accuse me of whataboutism - like really, how retarded are you.
Edit: I thought about rephrasing that last sentence, but I am not going to. It is exactly what I think about you, and I stand by it.
I tell you I do not want to get into the whatabout game with you, you keep insisting I present facts about the violence from the democrat side that contributed, and then you accuse me of whataboutism - like really, how retarded are you.
Edit: I thought about rephrasing that last sentence, but I am not going to. It is exactly what I think about you, and I stand by it.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Robert Perrotto - yawn.
Just like a loser. Claiming victory when your "L" was long since decided. Pitiful
Just like a loser. Claiming victory when your "L" was long since decided. Pitiful
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Michael Hartsfield - Then answering the question about anti government violence occurring before Trump even thought about running would be easy for you to refute. Of course, you avoid the question, because it doesn't fit the narrative you are trying to present here.
Plain and simple - Did anti government violence occur during the anti war protests during Vietnam? simple yes or no question.
Do anti government proponents and factions capitalize on political strife?
Are anti government proponents and factions opportunistic?
We all know the answer to these questions, rationale and intelligent people understand this. It also is not only Trump that contributed to this, no matter how hard you try to paint the picture, the democratic party, the media, celebs, social media all contributed to what is happening today along with trump - cannot have a conflict without two sides engaging.
Plain and simple - Did anti government violence occur during the anti war protests during Vietnam? simple yes or no question.
Do anti government proponents and factions capitalize on political strife?
Are anti government proponents and factions opportunistic?
We all know the answer to these questions, rationale and intelligent people understand this. It also is not only Trump that contributed to this, no matter how hard you try to paint the picture, the democratic party, the media, celebs, social media all contributed to what is happening today along with trump - cannot have a conflict without two sides engaging.
I am so glad Biden is in office SSG. We as a nation, can get back to business as usual. For example: I see caravans forming in south during a Pandemic, excuses made for riots in the northwest, jobs being destroyed in favor of other forms of transportation (trucks vs pipelines), global Moloch worship (abortion/murder) at American tax payer expense, identity politics, hate speech and hate crimes placing some above others rather than equal under the law, I'm so glad we are back in the Paris accords (more job loses unless we are classed as a developing nation like China and India), perhaps, some investigations based on one or more lies, not to mention your above post of terror alert.
I read the bulletin. But there is no actual intel offered. Not that I do not believe there are groups like BLM, Black Panthers, KKK and other hate groups that are a danger to society, just nothing given.
Anyway, it is great to see your black and white view of the world once again. Perhaps, an example for all to see SSG?
I read the bulletin. But there is no actual intel offered. Not that I do not believe there are groups like BLM, Black Panthers, KKK and other hate groups that are a danger to society, just nothing given.
Anyway, it is great to see your black and white view of the world once again. Perhaps, an example for all to see SSG?
SSG Michael Hartsfield
You are also forgetting the 400k people who died under Biden's watch.
What's that? It wasn't Biden? I was Donald Trump?!? (gasp)
What's that? It wasn't Biden? I was Donald Trump?!? (gasp)
Cpl Mark A. Morris
SSG Michael Hartsfield I will have to look that up SSG.
I donor think Trump or anyone else’ is perfect.
I donor think Trump or anyone else’ is perfect.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
Cpl Mark A. Morris - Here's the thing. Even when Donald had a softball hung over the plate with a rope, he still wouldn't do anything that wouldn't enrich himself. I mean, how hard is it to follow the advice of subject matter experts in their fields and wear a bloody mask? All of those things, easy things, that Donald could have done to curb the spread of this virus and he didn't do it.
As the radical left call for the death of Joe Biden is this what you envisioned in supporting Biden? The game you are playing is double edged.

'F*** Joe Biden': Portland protesters vandalize Democrat HQ
Police responded with tear gas after they were pelted with rocks and eggs and protesters began vandalizing the building.
SPC David S.
SSG Michael Hartsfield - what part of our government is OK to attack? Read the law - attacking a federal courthouse is not cherry picking. You clearly are biased in not admitting both sides have a problem in aligning with extremist groups. Left its cherry picking right its terrorism. That's a double standard.
Read the law on what insurrection actually is - attacking a courthouse fits.
That in all cases of insurrection, or obstruction to the laws, either of the United States, or of any individual state or territory, where it is lawful for the President of the United States to call forth the militia for the purpose of suppressing such insurrection, or of causing the laws to be duly executed, it shall be lawful for him to employ, for the same purposes, such part of the land or naval force of the United States, as shall be judged necessary, having first observed all the pre-requisites of the law in that respect.
Read the law on what insurrection actually is - attacking a courthouse fits.
That in all cases of insurrection, or obstruction to the laws, either of the United States, or of any individual state or territory, where it is lawful for the President of the United States to call forth the militia for the purpose of suppressing such insurrection, or of causing the laws to be duly executed, it shall be lawful for him to employ, for the same purposes, such part of the land or naval force of the United States, as shall be judged necessary, having first observed all the pre-requisites of the law in that respect.
MSG Stan Hutchison
SPC David S. - And most of those in the "black bloc" are peaceful protestors. But, all it takes is a few anarchist to make many believe the entire "bloc" is violent.
SPC David S.
MSG Stan Hutchison - black bloc's intent is to make it hard to identify those who are "mostly peaceful".
A black bloc is a tactic used by protesters who wear black clothing, ski masks, scarves, sunglasses, motorcycle helmets with padding, or other face-concealing and face-protecting items. The clothing is used to conceal wearers' identities and hinder criminal prosecution by making it difficult to distinguish between participants.
Its like a get away driver saying he's merely a peaceful participant and did nothing other than car pool with the guys that did rob the bank.
As well this is an international movement not just a US problem. Kind of like how racism is an international problem. These radical groups are not caused or created by one individual - larger extremist ideologies are at play. However the left constantly justify the 5% by saying look the 95% are innocent which is simply "NOT TRUE" as mentioned in the intent to hide those willing to act out. There are complicit to the violence in dress alone.
The truth is both sides need to disengage from their respective fringe elements
A black bloc is a tactic used by protesters who wear black clothing, ski masks, scarves, sunglasses, motorcycle helmets with padding, or other face-concealing and face-protecting items. The clothing is used to conceal wearers' identities and hinder criminal prosecution by making it difficult to distinguish between participants.
Its like a get away driver saying he's merely a peaceful participant and did nothing other than car pool with the guys that did rob the bank.
As well this is an international movement not just a US problem. Kind of like how racism is an international problem. These radical groups are not caused or created by one individual - larger extremist ideologies are at play. However the left constantly justify the 5% by saying look the 95% are innocent which is simply "NOT TRUE" as mentioned in the intent to hide those willing to act out. There are complicit to the violence in dress alone.
The truth is both sides need to disengage from their respective fringe elements
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