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Responses: 7
CPT Jack Durish
...and We the People are armed, which is why Biden and his clan are adamant that they are going to disarm us. You can almost smell the fear they exude clear across the nation
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
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CPT Jack Durish We the people must remember WE are the nation, not the elected politicians, public servants.
SGT James Murphy
SGT James Murphy
SGT James Murphy
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Sgt (Join to see) - Actually I'm an Elected County Supervisor. Does THAT Count?? 8-)
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
We all are members of the militia, formally or informally
SGT James Murphy
SGT James Murphy
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CWO3 Us Marine
We already have a DHS, DOD and all the active and reserve forces within. Playing soldier in a militia may be a fun hobby, but has no place in maintaining good order and discipline in the US. Other than protecting one's own castle, no militia has any legal authority to exert their will on other citizens. There is nothing American about opposing those duly elected officials in charge per the US Constitution. That is known as insurrection.
SGT James Murphy
SGT James Murphy
>1 y
CWO3 (Join to see) - We are on a razors edge RIGHT NOW. That is my Concern. So, How Long Will The Counntry Wait?
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
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SGT James Murphy - As long as it takes to preserve a Constitutional Republic. Maybe 5% are willing to violate the Constitution for their cause; misinformed or misguided, and some based on anything but the facts. Meaning the rest - left and right - still respect our Constitution and will abide by it. Those unable to wait can either adjust, change the law peacefully, or relocate. The razor's edge is more reason for calmer heads to prevail, or be led by the 5% in burning it all down. The Country as an institution IS the 95%. The 5% are a by-product of disinformation and those seeking chaos for personal gain.
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
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CWO3 (Join to see) - When Ppl's rights and freedoms are infringed upon with impunity by are elected officials or worse yet by NGOs. As is being done now with cancel culture and social justice witch is no justice at all. Why does the left get a pass on all this race baiting? I hear Ppl saying conservatives want to keep valid citizens from voting that couldn't be further from the truth. All we want is election integrity one person one legal vote. If a country like Mexico can figure out how to have Voter IDs we sure as hell can. When a party in power does everything in its power to stay in power by changing election laws that have so many flaws that the losing side won't except the results. Thats a plan for chaos and a reason to put the boot of a overreaching Government on the neck of we the Ppl!
CPT Special Forces Officer
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So our Founding Fathers, the duly elected Continental Congresses, the Continental Army, Navy, Marines and the various State Militias, were absolutely wrong in resisting British Aggression? By your reasoning and statements they should have all been tried for insurrection and executed (the punishment for treason in those times.
Well at least I know that should the government decide to enslave the free citizens of the US, you will be found on the side of the tyrants. See you на баррикаде Mr. McIntosh
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