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Responses: 8
Lt Col Charlie Brown
I am with you on all of that CPT Jack Durish
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SSG Michael Noll
Thanks for sharing brother Jack!
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Wait...you believe THIS guy? Really? So you consider the MyPillow guy to be an expert too? LOL man you're really just 100% proving that Trumpublicans no know limits. (Trumpublicans are not actual Republicans - they belong to the cult of Trump that has taken over the Republican party).

No one has to "try" to discredit the guy. His "record" speaks for itself. He is making outrageous claims of his "expertise." He claims to be “inventor and pattern recognition expert” whose “prolific” patents for computer-readable code are licensed by nearly every global tech giant and used on more than 12 billion devices worldwide. Except that's not true. He didn't invent QR codes or the technology that powers them. The only "invention" of his is the CueCat that was a huge failure. This was such a huge failure he had to legally change his name to get away from the failure.

If you really want people to take you seriously - use legitimate sources. Stop the insanity.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
PO2 Harold Ashton - I'm still waiting for one intelligent reason from you explaining your malevolent hatred of President Trump. Just one. You post lots of memes and articles produced by others, but nothing of your own. So, is the four years of peace? Or how about the prosperity? And don't fall back on that nonsense about the peace and prosperity being the products of the Obama Administration. The former President not only didn't contribute to it, but also announced that it couldn't be done unless, of course, President Trump had some magic wand...
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - But you didn't make a point. At all. You prove everyone that you are nothing but a mindless cult follower. Good day.
PO2 Harold Ashton
PO2 Harold Ashton
>1 y
I regret being in the same chat with Mssr. Durish. This man is so Trump brainwashed that he wouldn't know an "intelligent reason" if it bit him on the a--. Why not ask the Republicans in the Lincoln Project why THEY hate this disgrace of a POTUS.

https://twitter.com/i/status/ [login to see] 86256129
PO2 Harold Ashton
PO2 Harold Ashton
>1 y
But, he did ask for just one intelligent reason for my disdain for this disgusting human. This meme saves me a lot of typing and puts it out clearly.
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