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Responses: 3
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Oh give me a damn break. You can't stand by Trump the last 4 years, ignore all the sexist, misogynistic, racist, xenophobic crap he said but be offended by the word "fuck."

I find it amazing how many older vets wanna call Millennials and Gen Z soft but you all get offended by f bombs. It's really quite pathetic honestly.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
4 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro Yeah some do. But Trumpublicans are the worst. Keep up with the whataboutism though.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
4 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro

Seriously? Trump has been accused by over 20 women of sexual assault, one was as young as 13 when alleged he assaulted her. So stop with your faux outrage at anything Biden was accused of when you and those like minded ignore Trump's assault allegations, his speaking of how he could sexually assault any woman he pleases and his weird obsession with his daughter.

Biden has one sexual assault allegation that even her lawyer didn't believe and dropped her. She said in her complaint she wrote that she simply felt uncomfortable. No assault. Also strange it never came up until he ran against Sanders and she's a huge Sanders supporter, and then she vanished after biden was nominated. But Trump's accusers still fight for accountability.

Yes there were women who felt sexually harassed. He acknowledged their discomfort and he apologized stating he would be mindful of personal boundaries in the future. That's more than Trump's ever done. He could solve one accusation by simply providing a DNA sample if he truly didn't rape the woman. But refuses.

So when people like you ignore every sexist thing Trump says or does, his multiple accusations of sexual assault you have zero credibility in that topic to criticize anyone.

When Obama was president it wasn't simply people wanted him dead. They had effigies of him being lynched. That's racist. Right years of racist attacks on him and his family. Still today. Eight + years of people calling his wife a man. Do you see him reacting as a child? Do you see Twitter rampages? No. He still hasn't nor does Michelle.

There IS white privilege. You don't want to admit it but it's there. The fact you refuse to acknowledge it is extremely telling.

Trump has only ever placed yes men and women. Look what happens to anyone when they speak the truth of working with him. Especially women. Any woman who disagrees with him is called sexist names.

You are a waste of any further comments. You are obviously just as vile and disgusting as him. Good day.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
The media celebrates or ignores in Democrats what they deplore in Republicans
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PO2 Builder
We have known about the double standard for a long time.
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