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Responses: 9
Lt Col Charlie Brown
I prefer we expand competence and pick the best. If we want to do away with photos because we do better selections, "blind" maybe we should try that.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
4 y
I think taking photos away will back fire in a bad way. The writing is clearly on the wall, hiring white males does nothing for you in 2020. What will be the results? White males will need to work much harder and without pics, their OERs will end up looking more promotable. We saw this in WWII, the Tuskegee Airmen and the 442nd were two of the best units in the US Army because to be something, they had to be the best and they were.
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LTC John Griscom
Will this accomplish as much as "McNamrah's 100,000"?
Not always a fan of some of the goals coming out of here. I worked with some officers back in the 1970s that couldn't put a simple paragraph together.
Recruiters went to prison for trying to meet their quotas
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MAJ Byron Oyler
Per this article, "Based on 2018 data, roughly two-thirds of the military’s enlisted corps is white, and about 17% is Black, but the minority percentage declines as rank increases. The U.S. population overall is about three-quarters white and 13% Black, according to Census Bureau statistics." The enlisted corps is higher in African-Americans and less in whites than society, so what diversity are they aiming for?
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