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Responses: 5
CW5 Jack Cardwell
Thanks for sharing.
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LTC Eugene Chu
The nation gave up their "experiment" because COVID-19 case rates skyrocketed based on unwillingness to take proper precautionary measures

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SGT Carl Forsman
Sorry fellows, I don't buy any of this article, 656 to a million might be worse than neighboring countries but there is other death factors not being reported and if I am doing this correctly that is .006%. It's sevier, it killed my mother in January this year, I know others that have died. But, I had it, and I have had it several times since. I have never tested positive but have suffered all of the symptoms. It is maddening that this filth has been unleashed on us, but I have a gut feeling that limiting exposure to this is the worst thing you can do. Taking from my own experience, I am a plumber, I handle large scale multifamily repair work, my exposure to every disease know to man as much of the occupants I service are from all over the world, most of my exposure is tight spaces and sewage problems, I think my exposure is very high and I am certain via notification I have been in dozens of covid positive homes. My theory is once you have this shit, you keep going, ya quarintien if you realize you got it but you can't stop getting exposed or you will loose the antibodies, making your next exposure much more intense. Just my input, tracking all of the different people around me, and I meet and do business with hundreds, exposed to thousands a year, and how my working kids and myself are impacted. Unless your following strict decon procedures and wearing high dollar respirators that are almost impossible to get with regularity wearing a mask is being kind to your neighbor not throwing your snot wads on the coffee station at RaceTrac, if silica can penetrate a N95 mask, that light surgical mask or scarf is not saving your from the germs. I live in Georgia, we are open as open gets, hell we have a stupid influx of people escaping states that are restrictive, and because of our senate race. We have a lot of cases, but still less than 1% deaths, and in reality, because I know a lot of health care people, most anything death is labeled covid till proven otherwise. This is real, it could kill you .04% chance, but keep washing your hands, face covering does help and don't get sucked into the bullshit. Good practice for the next big bug they drop on us.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
4 y
Well said!
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