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Responses: 10
CSM Chuck Stafford
I hope she gets a resolution with the Marines, but she will still have the demons for life
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Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
This is Marine Corps bullshit...this is one case where Semper Fidelis was crucified and left behind. There was nothing about being always faithful with this situation...They left a Marine to die mentally on the battlefield. 1.) she should have never been allowed to enlist and that recruiter should have been disciplined for mentoring her to lie about her issues. 2.) Her battle buddies let her down by leaving her alone with a Sgt to rape her 3.) Her leadership chain broke her confidence when she confided in them...and so on and so on...now this what possibly could have been a promising life for this young lady is now scarred with demons from a unit that was supposed to have her back, instead IMHO they stole her soul!

Maj Marty Hogan Lt Col Charlie Brown 1stSgt Glenn Brackin
Cpl Craig Morton SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth COL Mikel J. Burroughs
LTC Stephen C. CPL Dave Hoover PO3 Bob McCord
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen Sgt Wayne Wood PVT James Strait
SFC Jack Champion MSgt David Hoffman MSgt Stephen Council
PO1 H Gene Lawrence 1SG Steven Imerman SGT Steve McFarland SSgt Terry P. Cynthia C.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
4 y
They really did a job on her. I always had an open door and more to prevent this crap. If a Woman Marine was involved, I always brought a WM SNCO into the mix, and always the SNCOIC or 1stSgt. It's hard enough to deal with, and a young female in a room full of males sets a bad precedent. Everyone knew that nothing leaves the room, or there would be consequences.
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MAJ Karl Swenson
SSG Robert Mark Odom, this is indeed a sad story to read. I was commander of a co-ed student company at Fort Benjamin Harrison in the 1970s and worried about this same type of horror happening in my unit there. It was certainly true back then that the Army had a "male mentality" with regard to rape and sexual assault; sort of like, "if it happens then I guess it happens. We need to do a better job of protecting all who are willing to protect us......
SSG Robert Mark Odom
SSG Robert Mark Odom
4 y
Thank you for sharing your thoughts regarding this important topic.
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
4 y
The Army still has that mentality and of course that thinking is so common in the VA.
MAJ Karl Swenson
MAJ Karl Swenson
4 y
SGT (Join to see) Agreed! I think you will find the same archaic thought processes in all of the services. For too long, they have been "good old boy networks."
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
4 y
MAJ Karl Swenson Very true. Such thinking keeps those exceptional people from ever joining the service and as a result they take their talents elsewhere. ]
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