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Responses: 5
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Edited >1 y ago
I actually had seen a vintage Hawker Hurricane in flight at an air show in Manchester New Hampshire in the early 1980's. It could completely turn inside it own space length and was more maneuverable than any aircraft I'd ever seen. Even then not many were still flying but it was pretty impressive. There were over 200 vintage Military aircraft flew in for that airshow at Manchester Airport which used to be Grenier Air Force Base. Me, My Son and Father in Law (a WWII Veteran) had attended that Air show. There was even one point where a dozen P51 Mustangs started up their engines all at once , then taxied to the end of the runway and most took of in pairs then made passed over the field in formation and that was very impressive. The did the same with a mixed batch of about 5 bombers, a couple B17s, B24s and a B25 I think that took off one after another and them made passes over the field. It was a great way to spend the day. There were a lot of static display aircraft including former single jet engine RAF Vampire jets from the 1940s. (Yes the British, not just the Germans also had some jet aircraft being developed and actually were the inventors)
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
>1 y
A 616 Sqdn. Gloster Meteor intercepts a V-1:
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
>1 y
A 616 Sqdn. Meteor F.1 pulls away after sending a V-1 harmlessly to the ground:
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
>1 y
The tactic most often employed for downing the V-1 was to approach it from behind, pull alongside and tuck a wingtip under the V-1's wing, then flip that wing up--thus causing the V-1's autogyro to go bonkers and send it into the ground. This was safer than exploding it in the air, sending debris over a wide area. . . .
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TSgt David L.
I've heard of the Hurricane but I didn't know it outnumbered the iconic Spitfire. Thanks for sharing.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Saw one while stationed in the UK for four years. They brought it to an airshow
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